
Monday, June 20, 2022

Starting the baby quilt.............

I now have 234 three inch triangles cut from the yellow leftovers and the first pile is sewn.

I pressed all of the quarter square triangle blocks so they are ready to put on the design wall today.

There is lots of yellow outside too.  I kept looking for this Asiatic Lily and didn't see it and then suddenly here it is blooming.

There are lots of the Evening Primrose plants too (see the lily in the background) and they aren't affected by the hot weather.

I love this Hosta.  I need to do a lot of clean up in that flower bed.  The Evening Primrose is considered invasive and if I didn't like it so much I would probably pull out a lot of it. 


  1. all of the yellow is very pretty, I need to get busy on a block I am sewing today too

  2. Wonderful yellows in your life right ow!! Looking forward to watching your pieces come together...sunny here this morning and a bit less windy--hugs, Julierose

  3. I am catching and you sure have been busy! The yellow quilt is so pretty along with all the yellow blooms! I will have to post a picture of my one flower bed that I have hundreds of California poppy flowers. They are so pretty mixed in with the lavender plants and coneflowers that are just starting to bloom.

  4. Sunshine YELLOW on your post today and its a lovely welcome for me here in the gloomy mountains.


  5. Yellow is just the happiest color - especially the ones you are using in these quilts. (and the flowers are beautiful, too)

  6. The yellows are all lovely. It's definitely a wonderful summer color.

  7. I love yellow. I have plans to make a lemon quilt using a lot of lemon scraps. This is great inspiration.


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