
Saturday, June 4, 2022

Just playing.........

I pulled out all of the 2.5" strips (from my 5 drawer chest of strips that I cut years ago) that I didn't think I would use in future projects and am making a comfort quilt with inspiration from a free internet pattern.  I wanted mine longer than the one in the pattern which uses a jelly roll.  They have used 10" segments cut off each strip to add side borders.  I am using the whole length of the strip in the main piecing.  I will have plenty of strips left to cut into segments if I decide I need side borders.  I just make a strip every time I'm between other tasks.  It is my indecision sewing, using my time wisely while I'm deciding what I need to do next.  It is mostly dull and soothing colors and is all batik.

I counted 33 little tomatoes on all of my plants yesterday.  In this collage all 3 photos are of parts of the same plant.  It is an overachiever for sure.  This is the first year I have used a special tomato fertilizer as I planted each of them.

The Coleus plants are filling up the pot by the garage.  They will get a lot taller through the summer.

On Thursday I got the 4 bags of leaf mulch spread in this area.  At the far end I had already spread 2 bags more than a week ago.  Now I need to tackle the areas around all of the plants in the front 4 sections.

I have a volunteer tomato plant growing at the back of my raised bed.  There were lots of small tomatoes on the ground in this bed that I didn't clean out before winter.  I'm wondering how many more might come up.


  1. You have been really busy outside doing up your gardens...lots of tomatoes coming!!;)))
    I like your strippy piece--the center looks woven...very pretty and calm...
    Hugs for a great weekend...Julierose

  2. What pattern did you use? I had tomatoes from volunteers also.

  3. I don't think I have ever had a volunteer tomato plant come up! Your tomatoes are looking great and considering your planting season starts later than ours especially - I know I did wait longer than usual to plant because we were getting so much rain in April it was hard to decide when to plant. Your mulching looks so good - it sure does help to keep the weeds out and the soil stay moist as needed.

  4. I like that term "indecision sewing". That's what my HST project has become for me. Nothing else to some HSTs.

  5. Your strips certainly are soothing but by no means dull. For me they are beautiful batiks. And I love this pattern.

    Your mulching brought out the beauty of your plants, besides adding the benefits of the mulch.


  6. Would that be the Interweave pattern? I have always liked that pattern and A Left Handed Quilter has made some beautiful ones, but it is a little too small for a comfort quilt. If you are able to make it bigger, I would be glad to learn how to do that. The garden looks grand- lush and healthy.

  7. I LOVE that pattern! I have made the "regular" version several times - and made up a "Biggie" version with more center squares and with side borders - but I never thought to use the whole strip for the center - ;))

  8. That’s a nice use of strips. Great pattern too. Why is it the volunteer tomato plants always do so well?

  9. Love what you are working on. Gorgeous garden! ;^)


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