
Monday, May 2, 2022

Sunday night project............

Wow, color overload!  I sewed up the rest of the triangles that were already cut and there was an abundance of yellow in there.  I started this project 2 weeks ago and linked to the inspiration quilt at that time.  I will only sew it on Sundays so more cutting needs to be done before next weekend.  I have 50 strips of 5 sewn now which if sewn together would only be 50" x 20".  That means there are a lot of Sunday nights to sew on this one.  I will cut some calming light fabrics this week.

I cut a block with one of my new dies, Morning Star and sewed it yesterday.  It hasn't been pressed so the corners are curling up.  There are some pretty neat patterns for this die on the Accuquilt site.  I pressed seams to one side on this one and will sew another with the seams pressed open just to see which works best.  These first 2 blocks will probably end up in the orphan blocks box.

I have had a lot of doves below my bird feeders this spring.  Some are mourning doves and some are ring neck doves.  This pair perched on the stump at my back lot line and turned their backs to me when I grabbed my camera.

My earliest Peony plants are getting tall.  We were at the edge of a drought area the last 2 summers but in April we got 5.8" of rain so we are back to normal.  We had normal rain in March too so it has been a good watering this spring for all of the trees and bushes as well as the perennials. 2" predicted this week and then the following week they are promising us a warmup.  

This photo is a little blurry because I was using the super zoom on my camera to get a photo of the Goldfinch.  I rarely have them in my garden until the Coneflowers are drying up and they come for the seeds.  I have had 2 of them several days in a row.
I need to take this quilt top off my design wall today.  I have really enjoyed having it up there for a few extra days.



  1. Love all those beautiful triangles!

  2. I staked my peonies before I went away for the weekend because the heads were so heavy with blooms. We've had a plethora of goldfinches at the feeder this year and a family of cowbirds. An indigo bunting visited last week but I couldn't get a good picture.

  3. Very pretty new block-; just tips of maroon for my peony plant...
    Gray and rainy here today... AGAIN!!
    Hugs, Julierose

  4. The yellow really makes those colors pop! The doves don't last long around my neighborhood because there are too many predatory birds that snack on them.

  5. Loving those colours on your Sunday night project. I so need to get back to sewing after constant knitting the past 3 months. We are off to Scotland Fri. 6th-9th (Aberdeen area) and I'm going to start sewing after we get back. I've been given some FQ's and lots of scraps so can't wait to make something. Glad you had enough rain to make all your plants grow - something to look forward to :)

  6. I like the morning star - really pretty

  7. Such exciting colors in your HST project. Scrappy is the way to go - have fun with it!!!

  8. I need to stake the peonies before they get too big, but it's cold today and it's going to rain tomorrow. The Morning Star block is great and I'm sure the dies make it much easier.

  9. ‘Color over load’ ~ Morning Star ~ Triangles ~ Doves & Finch ~ nice tall Peonies ! Great Monday morning post . . . Doesn’t get any better than that to kick off month of May


    P.S. Morning Star is beautiful, I hope you make more ~ and hope it dloesn’t go into your ‘Orphan block’ box.

  10. Love your triangles. I th I nk I may have messed up my garden. Peonies need to go out and hostas need shade not sun where I have them. Grrrr


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