
Friday, May 27, 2022

How many blocks in an hour........

I decided the best way to estimate how much longer I'll be working on these blocks would be seeing how many I can sew in an hour.  The answer is 36.  Now I'll have to count up how many more strip sets are paired to sew and how many blocks are cut waiting to be sewn.  On the other hand I could quit making new blocks and just make a quilt out of those that are already sewn since I have more than 320, the amount I need for a 60" x 80" quilt.  I can just use all of the rest for another smaller quilt after they are sewn.

The red Weigela is getting ready to bloom.

I showed the tight Peony bud yesterday and thought it would bloom this weekend.  Well....when I got up yesterday 5 of the buds had opened into full bloom.  It's amazing how fast they start popping.  I guess those ants are working overtime eating the waxy substance off the buds.  After the rain this morning I'll try to take a good photo of the plant.



  1. such pretty red flowers on the plant. I guess you need to decide if you will stick to the size quilt it will already make or do you want a large one and move on to another

  2. Good morning, Wanda,
    So love reading your posts every morning. Fun just waiting to see what you decide to do. Your garden is really bursting forth. I'm in the UP Michigan. Our cherry and apple trees should be blooming soon. No sign of hostas yet. Also no sign of daisies. But all will come in good time. Top of the morning to you!

  3. WOW 36 blocks in an hour is really good; I can make one TAW block in an hour--all that seam matching and pinning takes a while [never mind separating the little loops correctly!!]. I have made my first test block and it came out okay--phew--only 29 more to go hahaha ;)))
    hugs-- for a great Memorial day weekend for you Julierose

  4. 36 blocks in an hour is fast. I will usually just sew until I’m tired of that block. That’s when I know how big the quilt will be! lol
    I wish we could grow peonies here. They are so pretty.

  5. A beautiful RED Weigela plant! And it brings out the beautiful reds in your switch plates too. Nice combinations of photos together.
    Can hardly wait to see your peonies in full bloom.

  6. You are such a prolific quilter. Love your blocks

  7. What are the size of these blocks.


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