
Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Another layout option.........

 I decided to try another layout for these blocks.  I'm not sure I like it as well as the first layout.

(daylight photo, not true color.)

10 more strips sets were sewn last night.  Most TV shows are in their season finale shows this week so there were 2 to watch last night.

I was totally out of treats in the freezer for the past week so I had to bake last night.  Yes, I tested them but it took 4 before I was sure they were excellent.

I mowed the back yard grass yesterday late afternoon.  These are 2 of my hanging pots back there.  They are double petaled Impatiens.  I have a third pot and noticed that it had cracked (a pot saved from a couple years ago) so I had to repot the flowers and rehang it over by the bird feeders.

Some of the Jack-in-the-Pulpit are still blooming.  There are many patches of them in the shady area of the back garden.

I wonder if they self seed or if they come up by root every year.  I find them in different places each year.

The Dianthus in the back garden is in full bloom now.  The flowers are so much darker and it makes me wonder why the camera can't show that color.


  1. That "plus" arrangement might grow on you so give it a chance. We had Jack-in-the-pulpit at our last house, always in the same spot.

  2. Those cookies do look delicious! I quite understand your quality control!
    Am enjoying your batik quilt sessions too.

  3. all of your flowers are looking so good - when I got home I saw everything of mine had grown so much in a week it was amazing. I have missed some of my shows that I watch this past week so much go over them later this week and see what I need to catch up on

  4. Only four cookies? hahaha..funny I baked choc chip cookies over the weekend...but mine were from that yellow package...not as good as homemade, but okay...
    I like the first setting which clustered the light centers together; but this one could also work well.
    i am now waiting for my peony to bloom...
    Hugs, Julierose

  5. I'm partial to the first layout. It gives a different vibe- almost like urban apartment buildings. You have a lot of flowers that I thought were annuals- Dianthus? My alliums have finally rounded up and bloomed. I was giving up hope for them. So much rain the past two weeks! Love those freezer treats any time!! I've tried freezing them, but I know they are there.....

  6. I really like new ‘switch plate’ layout, but I always lean toward balance in whatever I do.


  7. My jack in the pulpits did both. The original returned every year as well as numerous volunteers from the seed head, which varied slightly in colors!

  8. I think your alternate layout deserves further exploration, even if you end up going back to the original. I always love seeing your process.

    Your garden is lovely, and the cookies look amazing!

  9. Love to see what is cooking with the quilt layout and sewing!

  10. Love your play with those blocks. Hmm like both layouts too. Cookies yum I always taste test at least 6 lol

  11. lol. I loved that you had to test those cookies four times. I think you should check them daily to make sure they stay good. :-)
    The plus layout is interesting and unexpected. I’d like to see more of it.


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