
Thursday, March 17, 2022

Yard work, sewing strips..........

I spent a couple hours outside mowing over leaves raked off the flower beds and picking up more branches and twigs.

I sat down and sewed more strip sets a couple times during the day but I just didn't have the pep to press all of the blocks and trim them.

I have enough blocks for another row of 10" tall blocks and a lot of blocks that will be shorter, size to be figured out when I get down to the iron and the design wall.  I don't think I'll do any outside work today and rain is predicted toward the end of the week.  More time to sew.



  1. Looking forward to seeing the strip sets coming together. Isn’t it amazing how the first yard work of the season can wear you out? I always think it’s the heat ;-)

  2. Still too chilly to do much yardwork here--not that i will be doing anything this year--but DH is dying to get out there. He did do a bit of early spring bush trimming ...
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. We are having all the rain this week I think. I need to cut the lawn but it is too wet.

  4. Yard work is hard work! It was so beautiful last evening I hated staying inside to bake cookies. I opened the windows and the air was so nice.

  5. I need to start that kind of yard work next week still a little wet this week in the yard to work

  6. I’m glad to hear you came in a couple times to catch your breath and do some sewing. It’s so I easy to over do in our gardens no matter what time in the season.


  7. Today is finally a warm, sunny day- but I have other things I have to do so yard work will have to wait. I have to cut down the grasses and coneflowers left all winter. Your sewn fabrics look wonderful.


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