
Monday, February 28, 2022

Two quilt tops.................

I changed 2 blocks after yesterday's layouts.  In the bottom right corner I exchanged the 2 blue blocks with each other to get a little more light in the bottom row.  This measures about 48" x 71.5" right now.  This top represents late winter/early spring snow on the ground with the earliest bulbs popping up and blooming.  I don't have any of those bulbs but I think they would be Crocus, Snowdrops and Grape Hyacinth and maybe some others.

Then I took the rest of the blocks and there were enough for a 20 block quilt top.  This is a mix of dark and light blocks with a majority of dark blocks.  This one measures 48" x 59.5".


  1. Two beautiful layouts!! They both look very Springlike.
    It is pretty cold here this morning (only 20 degrees with wind chills in the teens). I am so looking forward to Springtime...looking at these quilts makes me smile...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. Both are beautiful compositions. The colors are something to look forward to in these gray days. Outside flowers! Can't wait.

  3. Always so amazing how playing with color and brightness and moving only a couple of blocks can make such a big difference in the balance of color in a quilt! Beautiful!

  4. You have such an eye for this! I like both, but the slightly darker one really appeals to me.

  5. I do like the last minute change in the first top -- really really pretty. And hooray for stitching up the second one now and not putting the blocks into a box!

  6. Two extraordinary quilt tops ! The hours it has taken to design these blocks, and then to create the quilt tops all together is perfection. I love the description of your pastel, spring snow with the earliest bulbs popping up and blooming. . . Both are so beautiful.


  7. Beautiful tops and a nice use of the different values to create two tops. I'm sure ready for some little colorful blooms to pop through our snow but we've got a lot of winter left.

  8. Both are wonderful. The bulbs blooming is a great comparison to the colors in the quilt.

  9. Two delightful quilt tops! You certainly know how to get the most from your Kaffe combos of colour!


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