
Thursday, February 10, 2022

Improv blocks..........

I put the improv blocks on the double design wall in the basement yesterday.  There are 73 here and I know there were over 80 blocks so I'm going to look around for more.  I found one on my sewing table after I took this photo.  The top row is 9" tall (finished size) and all of the rest of the rows are 10" tall so it would finish at 89" if I sewed it now.  I think it would be about 67" wide and I want it wider than that.

There are 4 strips sets here that need to be cut in half one more time to make blocks and then they will get trimmed.

I made one more Winged Square block.  The light triangles are Kaffe fabric #04 Beads from back in the 1990s.  The corner squares are Kaffe #13 Chrysanthemum also from the 1990s.

I was walking through the kitchen and glanced out the window and saw something on top of the squirrel baffle.   I had been so happy for 3 months since I put the baffle on there that no squirrels had gotten up there.

Then he turned to pose for me.  I snapped the window lock and the noise scared him and he left.  He came back later and got up there again so I snapped the lock again and he took off.  The only way he could have gotten up there is to jump up to one of the feeders and then crawl onto the baffle.  Maybe a little Crisco on the baffle would have him sliding off.........


  1. Love the improv blocks.
    Pesky squirrel %%%%%

  2. those pesky squirrels figure it out don't they? ;000
    I love those lighter KF fabrics--so charming...hugs, Julierose

  3. Love the improv stripe blocks! The new winged block is so pretty. The squirrel must have stickum on his feet! Crisco or spraying on Pam might keep him from being able to stand on the baffle.

  4. I had to take my window feeder off my sewing room window because of squirrels I didn't think they would be able to get to it and then one day this week I came in and saw a squirrel sitting in it eating. - I watched and then would see them climbing up the outside wall and jump to it. I would keep scaring them away and they would keep coming back so took it down - they are such a pest.
    That top looks really good.

  5. Mark Rober on YouTube has made 2 really cute videos on how clever squirrels are at getting to feeders, they are so funny. Enjoy! Kara

  6. WOW Wanda ~ you created yet another awesome quilt top with your Improv blocks. And still more to add to it, this is going to be sensational. And another Winged square block that is so, so prettty.

    Your squirrel looks like he’s a professional bird feeder robber, nice and fat.


  7. They are very intelligent little beasts, and, sooner or later, will find a way to outwit us humans. I meant to ask you yesterday, about the make of your van with the 72,000 miles. Our van is a 2000 F150 and it now has 190,000 miles on it. Your van will probably serve you well, for as long as you need it.

  8. Ha! Those squirrels always figure out how to get to the feeder. You're right, Crisco is the way to go. I use it all the time, even though we put corn out for them they still empty the feeders.

  9. I'm still in love with the improv blocks.
    Cute squirrel.

  10. I love the improv blocks on the design wall -- one of my favorite ways to work (oh why don't I do it more often!). This new winged block is beautiful. Those darn squirrels (as Little Man's books call them).

  11. Love the improv block style - did you ever share photo's of your method?

  12. I spray Pam on my baffle and watch the squirrels try to get to the feeders. Entertaining.

  13. Lesson from pesky squirrels is perseverance pays off. Lol love your quilt blocks. So dun

  14. You keep finding Kaffe fabrics to pair. I like this block!
    We can always tell when we have a new squirrel because they try and try to get over that baffle. However, just the other day one jumped from a post on our walkway over 4' to a feeder. Fortunately our feeders are weighted to close if a squirrel gets to them, so he didn't get any food. He tried several times after that and I knocked on the window to get him to stop. Pesky, pesky.

  15. I gave up on squirrels, when even the baffle was chewed on a edges EATEN by the critters and I felt sorry for their innards. I am reading your comments and see their might be feeders that close. ?? Ingenious - better ask at my local farm store about such things! Your quilt block display walls are mighty ingeniou!s

  16. Do you have a tutorial for your improv blocks?


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