
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Flowers, cookies, fabric.................

Late in the afternoon the doorbell rang, there was a strange van in the driveway.  Who was at my door?  The guy from the floral shop........a great surprise!

When I baked the last batch of pink Spritz cookies at Christmastime I knew I wouldn't need all of them for gift packages.  I made the last group as hearts and put them in the freezer to pull out on Valentine's day.

I spent some time looking for light Kaffe collective fabrics for the last group of Winged Square blocks.  This is the first group I found.

And here is the second group.

I did some die cutting and then headed back upstairs to pair these with the darker units.

Here was my first pairing for 4 light blocks and 2 dark blocks.

Then I pulled out the 2 dark sets of squares and added light squares instead so there will be 6 light blocks.  I need 3 so I will be able to pick the best of the crop for my final layout.

I only got one block sewn.  I'll show all of the blocks together after I get some more sewn.



  1. Do you have a pressing secret with all those triangles?
    Love surprise of flowers for Valentines.

  2. Great flowers! I love them. The cookies look yummy. You have the best shopping situation- finding the right fabrics for a project under your own roof.

  3. How nice to get flowers! They are very pretty! Love the background fabric in the latest block. It is not a fabric I think I would ever choose, but I would have missed out on a great print! You have such a wonderful eye!

  4. Gosh, those light KF fabrics are just beautiful...all his fabrics are lovely, but I am more drawn to these somehow. They look so pretty paired up with the darks...nice work--hugs, Julierose

  5. The flowers are lovely. As much as you love nature, I know you will really enjoy them. It's so fun to watch you shop your stash!

  6. I love cut flowers - my husband buys me plants not cut flowers so occasionally I buy myself flowers and he still doesn't get that I love cut flowers! The plants are pretty too though.
    When using so many HST's do you press open to to the side?

  7. What a dazzling post today Wanda , flowers, cookies, fabric, couldn’t get any better than that. This last ‘winged’ block is gorgeous.


  8. Very nice to be so loved Wanda!! Now that I have my electric Go...maybe I will try one of those blocks...triangles and squares...will you tell me the size..xo

  9. So who is the secret admirer? Inquiring minds want to know!

  10. Thanks for sharing the photo of the beautiful flowers. I used the Scratch and Sniff feature on my computer screen and they smell lovely too.

  11. Flowers are such a sweet surprise. Great Kaffe lights!


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