
Sunday, January 2, 2022

Top 9 on quilt.....nature...

On Instagram you can have an app select the 9 posts that got the most likes.  These are in order from left to right, row to row from the most likes in the top left position.  That happens to be one of my most favorite too.  If you notice there are 2 pink quilts, which leads me to believe we need more pink in the world.  In the second place is what is called a reel, a continuous playing post going through all of the photos and then starting over again.  My account is @exuberantcolor if you want to check it out.  I post more on my blog than I put on Instagram because I like to tell the details and typing on that tiny phone screen isn't in my top 9 favorite things to do.

I started cutting 9" flannel tumbler blocks for a large quilt.  I have 2 each of the fabrics here for a total of 60.

I need 40 more tumblers so I pulled 5 more fabrics to cut.  I'll continue looking today for more to add.

Here is a quilt I made previously with 9" flannel tumblers.

I forgot to put this photo in my post yesterday.  I have at least 10 buds on this orange plant.  I see a bud on my white plant too and the second stalk on the red Amaryllis is growing.  My indoor winter garden is doing well.

Thank you everyone for your good wishes for the new year.  I decided to take a day off from answering comments but will back to it today.


  1. The winter 'indoor' garden is growing here too. My pink cactus that started blooming in Oct is still blooming, a red has started and I am hoping a newly potted one this year will at least tell me its color with a bloom. Four orchids are either in bloom or will be soon!!! 3 of these orchids bloomed twice in 2021! And on a global warming note, the last few weeks have been so warm, wild violas are blooming in the yard too! Oh, and Happy New Year!

  2. So many beautiful quilts! I don't use Instagram at all. The #3 quilt is my favorite from this collage.

  3. Those are all so pretty together. I use Instagram a little but don't know the aps you are talking of. I have been trying to not use it a lot as them I spend too much time on the phone looking at things and not making!

  4. YES, we DO need more pink!!!!! What a beautiful top 9 collection

  5. So many beautiful quilts Wanda, and I agree regarding the color pink. I took a peek at your flannel tumbler, and saw Debie's face as the first who commented that day about that quilt. It wasn't expected, so I did a doubletake. Such a shame that she is no longer with us anymore, and had to leave way too early. I like to think that she took her machine and fabric with her, and is happily sewing away, pain free, for anyone who would like one of her special quilts.

  6. Of the 9 in that photo top left is my favourite, but all are beautiful in their own right. Your indoor plants always thrive so well and you take great photo's of them! In a few months it will be your new plants to show off, with before/after photo's. Something to look forward to:)

  7. I too am not an Instagram or Face Book user. But I must say, the Instagram followers have good taste. ~ Tumbling into 2022 with warm cozy flannel couldn’t be a better choice.


  8. I, for one, am grateful for your posts. They have made me a better quilter and more discriminating looker so I can design better. Your work is always a fresh breath of air and color joy.

  9. I’m so glad to hear you’re staying with your blog and not migrating to Instagram! I’ve never managed to really get Instagram and though I have an account, I don’t like the app and only go on occasionally. I always feel it’s totally hit or miss whether I see what friends have posted. But I know I get an email every time you post on your blog, so if I miss anything, it’s my own fault. I understand it’s old fashioned and out of style to rely on email, but it works so well for me.

  10. You're so right about pink - I read this and looked around at my basket of pinks/reds - lots of reds but barely more than 4 or 5 true pinks, what a good idea to remedy that the next time I order fabrics.


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