
Friday, January 7, 2022

Quilted.........and rows sewn...........

This photo might not look different than the one yesterday but the Kaffe orphan block quilt is quilted now.  I took it off the frame but haven't trimmed it yet.

I quilted it with a large meander to keep it nice and soft.  Dense quilting shrinks the quilt as well as making it stiffer.  I couldn't afford to lose any size on this one.  I originally thought I would put a border on it to make it a little larger but nothing I tried really worked so it is just barely large enough for my nap quilt.

After adding one new fabric I sewed the top 5 rows together on the flannel tumbler quilt.  I will need to fold it in half to get it high enough on the design wall to fit the bottom 6 rows on there when I design them.  It is hard to calculate the width of a quilt made with the tumblers because of their shape and the fact that the points will be trimmed off the sides.  Now that it is partially sewn I measured it across a short seam and it looks like it will be 71" wide.  I'm planning 11 rows down and the tumblers measure 9" that way so it will be 99" long.  Actually I could stop at 10 rows (90") and save the rest of the tumblers for another quilt.


  1. You are almost done with the Kaffe orphan quilt - yeah! It is so pretty! I can relate to not knowing what the size of the tumble top is going to be until it is sewn together. Those large chevron baby quilts are a real mystery as far as the size is until they are sewn together. I did keep a finished one and use it as a guide to the number of rows. Since so much gets cut off the length due to the V shape, I lose a lot of length so they always look so much bigger than what they actually end up.

  2. I love your Kaffe orphan quilt. The colors are perfect.

  3. The Kaffe quilt looks wonderful finished.

  4. Oh my goodness that flannel tumbler quilt is going to be HUGE! Your KF orphan quilt looks even better quilted. Have fun choosing your binding.

  5. I’m sure you feel so good to get your Orphan Quilt all quilted and ready for a binding. As with all your quilts when you get them to this point. . . With your Tumblers, not far behind, your New Year is off and running as always.



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