
Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Lots of rows sewn.........

I always think I am going to get more sewn than I can really accomplish.  Three and a half hours of sewing and I have one section of 4 rows and 4 sections of 2 row and the last 2 rows at the top aren't sewn together yet.

Some of the burgundy rectangles look like solids in the distance view but here you can see there is a pattern.  Also the stripe barely shows up in the photo above.

One of the fabrics looks like a hand dyed pattern with pink and orange in some of the pieces and more burgundy in others with the same periwinkle blue in all of them.

We had an icy drizzle Saturday night and it coated everything with a layer of ice.  The snow on the ground is like a mirror when the sun shines on it.  It was 5 degrees yesterday morning and it got up to 33 but I decided to order my groceries for delivery and stay in.  


  1. Oh, that is so true……I always think I will be able to so more than I can! Good call on staying in with the ice but I imagine it makes things glisten.

  2. Good idea to stay in with that weather; it warmed up a bit here from yesterday's low of 6 degrees--it's 31 now--crazy up and down weather lately!!
    Funny how fabrics appear and disappear with distance...hugs, julierose

  3. we might get snow/ice on Saturday - they keep saying we will and it keeps going by - wouldn't mind no ice but don't mind a little covering of snow.

  4. I'm sometimes surprised by the amount of time that straight sewing can take.
    I hope I can get out for a walk today when it will be balmy, at least relative to earlier in the week.

  5. Besides time I bet you ran thru a bobbin or two of thread. One more sewing session and this quilt top will be close to being done.

  6. "I always think I am going to get more sewn than I can really accomplish. Three and a half hours of sewing and . . ." YOU and ME TOO. But it does all get done in good time. Those flannels are SO pretty!

  7. I really love those prints and on flannel yet. So pretty and delicate. I know already it’s is my favorite January quilt !


  8. I think the rectangles are looking good and I flicked back to the one made with KF fabrics, I do remember that one, the rectangle design will take any type of fabric and look good I think.


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