
Monday, January 10, 2022

Bottom 5 rows sewn..........

The bottom 5 rows are sewn for the flannel tumbler quilt. The top is still folded in half above it.  I decided to press the halves before I sew the last seam.  Last night I realized I had to stop at 10 rows for length (90") so that the bottom row would start with a wide edge of the tumbler at the bottom.  The top row has the wide edge at the top so when I get ready to trim the sides the top and bottom match when I fold it in half.

I thought I would show some more orphan blocks. This batch is all made of batik.  There are many sizes and colors and the box is bulging.

I pulled all of the 16 patch blocks out and put them on the design wall so I could analyze the group.  I'm sure some of them will be in the next batik orphan block quilt.

The third box has blocks made with solids or regular quilting cottons.  Some of the blocks have batik and regular cottons.  I'm not sure there are enough that actually look good together in this box.

There were 16 patch blocks in this third box too.  I'm not ready to make another orphan block quilt right now but I may put blocks up on the design walls in the basement when I'm between projects.



  1. Hi Wanda, I'm really new to the world of quilting. I studied art in college, sculpture and pottery. I love working with my hands so clay was my focus, but when it came to glazing and studio painting classes I struggled. I understood the notion of contrasting colors but studying values, hues and tones was another matter. Many years later I started sewing, dresses, shirts and shorts for the kids. Again I understood the technique and never considered color combinations because there was no need to. Now into quilting...wtdlhh (what the double l hockey sticks). I love looking at colorful scrappy quilts. I can't take my eyes off the way quilters can make the simplest block pop like it's a fabric piece of jewelry. I tried, I read articles, I watched videos. Now I read your post. The 10+ year old one on organizing values. A light went on in my head...I'm gobsmacked because with a few instructions you've organized muddled thoughts in my head about how to arrange colors and it makes complete sense to me and is so easy. I really can't thank you enough.

  2. I didn't realize you were going to put those scrappy flannel pieces into the tumble quilt. They look so good! Sounds like you have this top almost done and it's a beauty!

  3. I love the scrappy tumblers mixed in with the solid tumblers. What a great idea.

  4. Another fun photo post today Wanda, and good progress on your Tumblers. It just glows with a warm, cozy feeling. And I love how you surprise us with even more ‘orphan blocks’.


  5. I’ll bet the flannel tumblers will make a cozy quilt. So many fun orphan blocks there too!

  6. I had to check back to see your flannel tumbler quilt. It looks great! I love the look of the 16 patch blocks. I recently started using up 2.5" strips and cut the strips into rectangles, using only 2 strips for each block. I think it's called an 18patch block. Anyhow, I love that look. Good idea to stay in when it's icy.

  7. Nice 16 patch blocks and looks like another good stash of orphan blocks ready for when you feel like making a start.


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