
Sunday, December 5, 2021

Something for the kitchen...............

This is a pan to make mini-scones, 16 at a time.  I have looked at it for several years and finally decided I should have it.  My ceramic scone dish makes 8 large scones.  Following the theory that we need to use a smaller plate to help control weight, now I can put something smaller on that plate. But, can I stop at one?

This is my favorite scone mix.  I have never made them from scratch but I have a good recipe that I want to try.

Rain is predicted for today with some areas to get an icy mix.  It looks like we might get it but then it is going to warm up and be all rain.  I have an indoor project that I am working on: cleaning out a hall closet so I won't have to go out in it.

The general consensus yesterday on my question whether anyone has upgraded to Windows 11 is to wait until the bugs are out to do it.  The 2 that have changed to it haven't had any problems and do like it.


  1. I've been trying to make some scones for a while. Next thing I know, the soup I wanted them to go with is gone.

    Beautiful quilts on your site!

  2. I only make scones once in awhile and have a favorite recipe for one that doesn't result in a dry scones but they are huge they rise up so much - a mini pan might be what I need!

  3. KA does make a great scone mix. The mini pan looks like it should work well…’s just the self control. lol

  4. What a great pan - smaller scones would be fun - Good for you!

  5. Neat pan! Just freeze the rest and take one out at a time to defrost. Just took a walk and there were tiny snow ice pellets hitting me in the face.

  6. Todays post sent me on line to see if there was a gluten and sugar free scone mix. And I found a couple. Years of trying gluten and sugar free recipes never turning out well and taste like card board. I decided to just try a mix for gluten and sugar free pumpkin muffin MIX. And it was etable. And used I powdered erythritol/monk fruit for frosting. And am wiling to try the scone mix.

    Again you have influenced me with todays post. (*._.*)


  7. I love scones, but I don't care what size you make them I would more than likely eat more than one! LOL!! Last year my neighbor made scones and brought me some. They were so good! That is a cool pan!


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