
Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Gridlock blocks 1 - 5.........................

Refresher: the Gridlock quilts are in at least 3 of Kaffe Fassett's quilt books.

I am making mine from all Marcia Derse fabrics.

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

Block 4

Block 5

And this is what it takes to make these blocks...pure chaos.  There is no set direction of how many strips or what color to use so it is all trial and error and a lot of fun.  I'm going to get a little more organized today.

I picked the last of the tomatoes on Sunday night.  We had a frost on Sunday night and a freeze Monday night so the plants are dead now.  Next week is supposed to be in the low 60s so I'll probably pull out the plants and put away the cages then.



  1. I think I would be totally confused, but the blocks look beautiful. No freeze here yet, still have some straggly blooms, but I'll take it. The bulbs aren't in yet because my husband makes them wire cages so they are not eaten by the crazy squirrels. Hope I get them in soon as my daughter is due on the 16th and I will have to go to PA to help out.

  2. Those blocks are fantastic! What a beautiful mess you made with all those fabrics.

  3. that looks like a good way to use up strings of all sizes mixed in with a few bigger bits.
    We have no freeze yet here in my area but I think the northern part of the state might have here and there the weatherman said in the higher altitudes of the Ozark Mtns they might get a snow mix - rather early for that here, it is 43 and light rain here.

  4. Remarkably, we have not yet had a killing frost, although the temps have hovered around 32 several times. Tonight is going down to 30 and tomorrow night the killing freeze will hit. Like you, it's supposed to warm up again next week, so final clean up will begin. The leaves are still on many trees. Let's hope they fall before a wet snow arrives.
    I, too, am intrigued by the Simply Woven quilt in your monthly round up.

  5. I have three blocks made now and hope to make more VERY soon. Your combinations are gorgeous (and I had my pink/purple block made before I saw yours - you will get a giggle when I post mine).

  6. Wanda, I wasn't sure I would like this pattern, but you have such a talent for putting striking color combinations together, that I think, on a smaller scale, they would make pretty table runners, which I might try.

  7. Well, my sewing table next to my machine always looks like chaos in the midst of projects!! Those blocks look interesting--I hadn't seen those before...
    hugs, Julierose

  8. What beautiful blocks! Each one is a work of art.

  9. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE this! I am a Kaffe fan, of course, and hadn't seen this particular quilt, or if I had, I must have been going too fast. I can't wait to see what you do with yours! Good bye tomatoes!

  10. Love love love those blocks - especially the brown/orange one but all are eye-openers. What talent you have !! KFasset is also my favorite designer. Thanks for being so generous with your inventive ideas.

  11. My garden was done in by frost and pulled up a week ago. The cardinal climber vines on the front of the house held on until yesterday morning, due to the bricks holding enough heat to keep them going a few more days. I'm waiting until this weekend when it's supposed to be a bit warmer to cut them down though.

    So the only consistent thing about gridlock blocks is that center square? Interesting! A really nice scrap buster string block.

  12. Grid Lock is your ‘cup of tea’ for sure. You are a numbers gal and calculating those strips in various sizes…. your brain is like a calculator figuring out what width you need before the center square. I’m sure I’d be forgetting to add seam allowance or too much. Love watching you making these grow.

  13. I love this . . . a very creative way to use up scraps. Thank you for sharing.

  14. I was thinking of doing exactly that...but I do not want to cut up my lovely, wonderful Marcia Derse fabric...Oh, dear...what to do???? xo

  15. I TOTALLY approve of your Gridlock blocks thus far!

  16. Your Gridlock blocks came just at the right time. I have far too many dark fat quarters and a few lights, and figured out how to cut them up without hardly anything left over and make these blocks. Goal is a king-size for our bed. I picked a bunch of fabrics that are all muted colors and work well together (throw them on the floor and put back anything that jumps out and says 'I don't belong here) and did a couple samples to see whether I liked them. Oh my, this will like be a sort of BOM for me with so many other projects on the go, but they are easy and fun. I'm mixing them up with same size 6 patches in 2" squares, easy to do with alternating 15" strips then cut to 2" strips. I'll post them when the to-do list lets me. Thanks for inspiriting me -- again!!

  17. after seeing your blocks close up, I really need to dig out my books and look at how this goes together. I love the sort of improv feel to this. Can't wait to see it all come together!


  18. Loving your 'gridlock' blocks. The fabrics are different, but very eye catching.

  19. Wow, am loving the Gridlock blocks! Would you please mention a Kaffe book in which you saw the block?
    Love, love your posts.
    Thanks in advance, Liz in Houston

  20. I LOVE Marcia Derse fabrics! Can't wait to see how this one turns out!

  21. Scrappy projects are such fun. I love how your blocks are turning out.


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