
Monday, November 22, 2021

Border audition..............


The original Gridlock quilt had a one row border of squares all around it.  I thought maybe a 2 row border would work and would increase the quilt to twin size.  I don't have all of the different colors cut yet for the border but wanted to see whether one row or 2 looks best.  I think maybe the one row is better.  I need to plan this border before I start sewing the quilt top together because 3 border squares are the size of one Gridlock block so they will be sewn in groups of 3 and added on that way in rows instead a long strip made of squares being added last.

I decided to get a pink poinsettia this year.  I'm not sure if I've ever had a pink one before.  I just buy one $5 plant at the big box place and try to keep it alive until January.

It was over 50 degrees yesterday so I mowed to chop the leaves in the backyard.  I hope there will be another warm day to mow again because there are a lot more leaves to rake off the flower beds.  I leave a light covering to create compost.


  1. I liked your idea of increasing the size of Gridlock to twin size, and I agree that two rows of border blocks is too much. My eye was drawn out to the border, rather than to the quilt. I wonder if it would work to add a 3" row of a light fabric and THEN the dark squares border? If my Gridlock wasn't already finished, I'd give that a try.

  2. I agree that the the two row block border is strong and might overwhelm the quilt. I know you will play around and find the right solution!

  3. Love the pink only 5$....I saw some orange-y yellow ones but they had put GLITTER all over the leaves--I mean I like sparkles but not on plants so much ;((((. I am looking for a white one this year...
    Hugs, Julierose

  4. I agree with the single block border - the double one takes away from the central blocks. Did you see that the new MD spotted fabrics are available for pre-order on her website?

  5. I too would like to see it as a twin size and whatever border you create will be a winner. ~ Your pink poinsettia shows well in the photograph. Great price and color… can’t believe our year is coming to a close already.


  6. Gridlock is looking good and I agree that really a single square border would fit the bill better than a double.

  7. Your quilts are so homespun and colorful . . . love, love, love them :)


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