
Friday, October 8, 2021

Block number 3.............

Bear Paw block number three is sewn.  I love the leaf print in the large squares.  I think I have a little piece of every color that it came in.

Then I switched to working on the older project.  There was one panel sewn about 20 years ago so I'm continuing to piece panels the same size.  There are 4 of them on the design wall.

I moved the left panel to the top right in this photo.  

This is all of the rest of the parts that are sewn.  There are lots more of the triangle fabrics already cut and I have plenty of fabric to cut more strips for the 4 patches so we'll see if I can stick with this one making more pieces.  Meanwhile I'll start planning the next Bear Paw block.

In other wonderful news we got 1.15" inches of rain yesterday.  That was really an event since it was August 10th the last time we got that much rain in one day.  


  1. Your design board is showing a lot of beautiful fall color!

  2. glad you got some more rain. We got 3/4's inch over the weekend and then a 1/4 inch on Tuesday we needed it and more - maybe more on Sunday

  3. The Bear Claw blocks are beautiful! I know you will be glad to get that other quilt top done after all these years. I will be a nice masculine quilt. Good for you that you got some rain. I have had enough that I haven't had to water for a week now.

  4. Loving those color pairings in the bear claws--great eye for matching them. hugs, Julierose

  5. Three beautiful Bear Paws. Love the colors in the older project.

  6. *so far* my favorite bear paw is the one on upper right in the 2nd photo. I'm quite envious of your rain. We've only gotten about 1/10 of an inch, mostly just enough foggy mist to keep combines out of the fields. Better than nothing, but far from what we need to keep things well watered to make it through the winter.

  7. Beautiful bear paws. Such fall inspiration in all the pieces. We have had an abundance of rain in the last couple of weeks. The grass is growing like crazy and finally the nasturtiums look full.

  8. I can see, “Barn raising” piece(s) are really fun to work with. And my oh my ~ just moving the lower left piece , to the upper right is just magical !

    And then there’s your Bear Claw blocks… I take my first comment back… saying block no.2 was my favorite., and star of this quilt. I can tell this quilt is going to be another of your spectacular quilts, that you always create with your exuberant fabrics.



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