
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Table 3 cleaned off...............

Next up for clean off was my die cutter table.  Here is is folded up so I could wipe off the table top.

Now it is ready for action again.  All that is left to do in this area is vacuuming the floor.

I plan to cut up the chunks of Kaffe collective fabrics into my 2", 3", and 4" quarter square and half square triangles and squares and put them in the appropriate boxes.  I might not make it to the bottom of the box but maybe I'll set a time limit instead of 1 1/2 hours.

I don't buy fat quarter packs very often but occasionally there is one that I like.  I am pretty irritated that they pressed creases into the fat quarters.  It's hard enough to get the soft creases out from piles on my shelves.  I don't pre-wash my regular quilting cotton prints so it is going to take a long time at the ironing board to get these ready to cut.  Spritzing with water will start them to relax, 25 fat quarters.



  1. I guess they press them so they FQ packs looks nice. I find that Mary Ellen's Best Press helps a lot to get stubborn creases and wrinkles out. I always dilute my Best Press by 50% - it still works as good as full strength and it helps ease the pain of the cost. I always buy a gallon. I kept my empty gallon jug so I can dilute it. I also write diluted on the jug so I remember that I already diluted it.

  2. You have really been making great progress...nice work getting another table cleaned's way too easy to just leave things piling up for me anyway...
    now i have to wait to clean off my cutting table until my back is in good shape...maybe looking at the mess for a while will spur me on to keep me in "clean off as I go" mode.
    hugs, Julierose

  3. Great progess! I see that the studio dies are buy one, get one now. I am looking to see if there are any worth getting. I could use a 2" finished HST, but not sure what else.

  4. It's so nice to have the tables all cleared and ready for action. I should clean up my sewing areas, but have so many other areas needing sorted and organized too... where to start, where to start?

    25 fat quarters - that's a lot of spritzing! I'd be tempted to lay them out on the grass or hang on the line and use a hose sprayer set to mist. Or one of those little garden sprayers... or...

  5. I hear you on the pressed fat quarters. Drives me batty.

  6. Your posts keeps me moving, makes e feel normal, with my daily chores and projects too. Your work areas look pristine now, and ready for the next projects.

    I hear you have had tornados all around you and another to come in about 6:00, I hope this one by passes you too.



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