
Sunday, August 15, 2021

One star and a new project.............

This is the last of the 6 stars I cut out a few weeks ago.  Now I need to cut another batch of 6.

I kept looking at this Matrix pattern by SpringLeaf Studio and I finally bought it from her Etsy shop.  I want to make it with a selection from my box of Kaffe fabric strips.  Instead of plain white I want to use one of the gray prints shown.  I need to search through my stash for a little darker gray that creates sort of a shadow if I go with layout 1.  I like the second design inspiration also.  If you go to her Etsy shop there is a picture of the 3 design insprirations in her series of photos on the left side.

This selection of fabrics isn't set in stone, just a quick pull of some fabrics that I like and think might work.  I need to look for a few more medium values.

Awhile back I mentioned on my blog the need to redirect to HTTPS in your URL for security reasons.  I noticed 3 blogs that I read regularly that still have HTTP and have not made the change.  For those using Blogger as a platform for their blog it is easy, just go to settings and scroll down a little way and turn it on with a slider button.  When you read blogs look at the URL on each.  Some will say not secure.


  1. Love the star block! Your fabric pull will look lovely for the matrix quilt. Thanks for the info on the blogger setting, I've gone and changed mine now. Happy stitching!

  2. That Matrix pattern looks so interesting. Looking forward to see what you do with it. I changed my blog settings when you first told us about it. I wish everyone would. I am sure they think it’s more complicated than it is. Thank you for continuing to educate us about such things. Now I need to post something new on my blog (so neglected).

  3. I'm on word press any idea how to do it on there? Mine says it is partial protected

  4. Thanks for the HTTPS reminder - I am still surprised at how many bloggers haven't secured their blogs. Hooray for the new project idea (and thank you for not using plain white).

  5. Very pretty star! And that Matrix pattern is really lovely...I like your take on using gray for the background...
    hugs, Julierose

  6. Thanks so much for the info on HTTPS. I look for HTTPS when buying online but did not think about my blogs needing to be that way. And yes it was easy. I changed my Christmas blog and will go today to my other blogs and change them too.

  7. Looks like a fun quilt top that you are beginning to create. A very unique design pattern.


  8. Looks like a fun top to create with your fantastic fabric.

  9. That's a bright star! The Matrix pattern will look great in Kaffe brights and grays.


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