
Saturday, August 28, 2021

A quilt top!.................

I accomplished 1 1/2 of 3 things on my list for today.  I did get the borders sewn onto the Matrix quilt top (pattern by SpringLeaf Studios)--no more procrastination.  It measures 53" x 73".  I really like this Animal print by Brandon Mably for the border.

I also got the small quilt layers loaded on the longarm and it is ready to quilt.

I went out to fill the birdbath with water last night at 8 and the Four o'clocks were blooming.  It is getting dark by that time so that is why the photo is dark.  All 3 of the larger plants are blooming.  It took so long for them to grow that I was wondering if I would have any flowers before fall.

Two more hot high humidity days and then the cold front comes through.  Then our high temperatures will be in the low to mid 80s--not my idea of a cold front but a relief from high humidity.


  1. Another fabulous quilt finish. I zoomed in on your 4 o'clocks and I can see each flower head has lots more blooms to come. They are very pretty and almost a cerise colour (on my pc). Our weather has cooled down a bit now 18c/65f but it was quite hot in Torquay! I took a photo of a long spikey (purple/blue) flower which I'll send to you. It was growing in lots of places but not suitable for our northern temps :)

  2. Good that you got the borders done and it's ready to be quilted--it is so pretty!!
    Still pretty hot here, too...hoping for some cooling days this coming week..
    hugs, Julierose

  3. Great finish. The border works so well with the blocks.

  4. You chose a great border fabric. I love the way this one turned out.

  5. This border print is perfect for your blocks. And your flowers are beautiful.

  6. Top of the morning, Wanda,
    I hope you are aware of how much you inspire all of your viewers. I love the combination of flower and photo
    blogs you create in the summer. Your quilts seems to be inspired by your lovely plantings in your fantastic new garden. This quilt is another delight for the eye and an inspiration to all your quilter friends. Thank you!

  7. It's been so fun to study your version of Matrix and see how different fabric options translate. I like your choices. Your blog is a garden of both real and fabric flowers. Always a delight.

  8. Matrix pattern and you made it your own with your delightful fabrics, woven into a splendid quilt top. Again another favorite to add to my list.

    Your 4 o’clock are beautiful and to be open at 8:00 p.m. yet.


  9. Beautiful! That border material is just soooo perfect


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