
Monday, July 5, 2021


It was another hot and humid day yesterday so I waited until it cooled off to 80 before I went out to plant a few more things.  Click on the photo for a closer view.  I planted a Cranesbill (hardy geranium) in front of the hosta I planted previously.  I planted another little hosta behind the first one, across the walkway by the hydrangea bush.  Then I planted 2 more Hostas in front of the Boxwood bushes.  I had to dig up the one on the right from my back garden.

Here is another view of part of it.

I wanted to get some of the planting in before it rains again.  It sounds like a small chance of rain Wednesday but a better chance Friday night.  A little planting each day will be my pace.

The Cranesbill is one I dug up before the landscape project began.  It will fill out into a nice mound when it gets over the shock of being transplanted again.

This little tiny Hosta is the Hi Ho Silver variety.  It was in the back garden under one of the huge Hostas I showed on Saturday.  It should have a better chance growing a little in this spot by the mailbox post.  The maximum width of the plant is only 12" so it is a miniature.

The little Stella d'oro lilies are blooming now.

In the first photo notice the A/C unit in the window.  My son came over and put it in on Friday, just in time for this current heat wave and humidity.  Two more days of hot, hot, hot but it's the humidity that wilts me.



  1. The combination of heat and humidity here has been crushing for the last week or so.

  2. Lookin' good! When I enlarged the first photo I thought I saw a child inside making faces. Then I realized it's your reflection!

  3. My old (indoor) Hoya hasn't grown in a while; so, I took some cuttings to trim it back and am trying to root them in soil..trying out different outdoor spots...I think my pearly white and green one may be the same variety as yours.

    Your new beds are looking nice as you fill them in...
    Hugs, Julierose

  4. We had cooler temperatures over the weekend and .8" of rain on Friday night, so I managed to pull some weeds and spread some mulch. But back to near 90 and high humidity today. Fortunately I'm going to a friend's house to quilt (in AC).

  5. Looks like you have a handle on the planting. My husband rearranged the rock wall around my tiny garden, so I need to take some photos of it. Everything here is about at its peak. Stay cool!

  6. How wonderful that your second A/C unit is up and running to help with the heat and humidity. I grew up in a house without A/C and now live where central air is a serious necessity. The humidity is the hardest part for me. // Your plantings look good - slow and steady is the best approach!

  7. Wanda, you are a wonder! I love seeing all the planting and sewing you have been doing. Of course now I really feel like a sloth! I really love the Sunshine and Shadow, and what a lot of different fabrics. I am also loving how your landscape is coming together. A little bit at a time does work.

  8. I had to go back to first photo to see your reflection that Libby saw. (*._.*). Nice progress on your plantings. I’m sure you are enjoying your nice open area’s round your house. It’s all so neat and tidy.


  9. I have definitely been a sloth in this heat. Great idea to work on it a little bit at a time.

  10. lucky you got the air con in.......
    the garden should fill in nicely......hope you get that bit of rain to settle the plants in.....

  11. That humidity is really tough. Hope the a/c helps. The plantings look really nice.

  12. You are so smart to just do a little each day. It is just too hot to be outside for very long. The plantings are looking good!

  13. Great idea for the planting beds with pathways between, mush easier to take care of the plants. How do your plants cope with the humidity? We have high rates here in Auckland and the bugs and mildew have a field day. Beautiful Stella d'oro, such a happy yellow.


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