
Sunday, July 25, 2021

Hot day, stay inside.............

At 3 p.m. yesterday it was 89 degrees with a feel like temperature of 103 with the tropical humidity.  I went out to check the tomatoes and then came right in.

The Zinnias I planted by the tomatoes are about 2 feet tall with really small blooms.

I thought I should do a collage of the before and after of the left front part of my house.  There were so many volunteer trees and a huge aster plant.  All the crew left was the Hydrangea bush after bringing in the big equipment.

My new grass in front of the planting area is such a vivid green compared to the old grass.

I saw a hummingbird first thing this morning by a blooming Hosta in the back garden.  There was no chance of it still being there if I went to get my camera.

I'm pretty sure I have the final layout for my Economy blocks so I hope to start sewing it today.


  1. Thanks for the visual -- greatly improved. It's amazing how quickly those volunteer trees can take hold. We are struggling to thin out the redbuds this year.

  2. Pouring rain here this morning--very welcome to us in this drought-y land
    We are due for that heat this coming week....stay cool...hugs, Julierose

  3. The front of your house looks so much nicer now after all the hard work done - nice to see a before/after photo. We are having a cooler day today 71f/21c, warmer tomorrow then the rest of the week about 71/21 again. It's forecast light rain every day for the next week so the garden will be happy :)

  4. The collage says it all - totally worth the effort! Heat index maxed at 107 here yesterday. Anticipating 110-111 today. Definitely an indoor day. Take care!

  5. Your before and after photo tells it all. What a wonderful difference, house was hiding behind the foliage.

    You have wicked heat and humidity, or is it the other way around. And we have wicked heat and smoke rolling in from the forest fires in Oregon, so severe our air quality has been unhealthy for weeks. We stay in.


  6. I'm so tired of the heat! It leaves me just as house bound (or more so) as a big snowstorm. And I don't have to sweat during a snowstorm. At least you get out for a few minutes to take a peek at your gardens. I go outside to (1) tend to my ice dye projects or (2) bring in the day's mail. We made a major change in our yard this year and have no flowers to tend to. Next year, hopefully.

  7. You have such a lovely house that it is good that it gets viewed now with the improvements. Started getting humid here today.

  8. Your house looks nice after the clearing out. I sometimes think far too much effort is put into foundation plantings - why put so much effort into something you can only enjoy for the few seconds you pull into the driveway? I say put the plantings where you can see them from your own windows :-) Our volunteer trees are mulberry, fortunately not right next to the house so far. You can pull them while very small, but once they get to be much more than a foot tall, it seems like their roots go down twice that. I'm NOT looking forward to the upcoming weather this week!

  9. Such a difference with the before and after photos - much easier to manage!


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