
Wednesday, July 7, 2021

20 blocks..................

I pressed the 8 new blocks and put them on the design wall in a dark/light/dark/light pattern.  This isn't the final layout because I am going to make more blocks.  I think I will make 15 more for a 5 x 7 layout = 60" x 84".

It was 84 degrees at 7:30 p.m. again but I had to get out and get a couple more plants in the ground. The one in the center is dark green and purple so it hardly shows up here.  It is one of the Coral Bells that I dug up before the big machines got here.  The one on the right is a new Coral Bell called Snow Angel.  It has red flowers.  I think I'll try to get a couple more planted today in case we get the spotty rain predicted for late in the day.


  1. That new Coral Bells has very pretty leaves....looking forward to seeing them in bloom...
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. The variety of prints in the blocks is so pretty; lots to look at! Your planting is coming along nicely. I have four of those green and purple cora bells that I got in a trade. Your plant is big! Mine are coming along better this year since I fenced them in from the deer.

  3. Take it easy in the heat. Hope you get some rain. We did yesterday so now I can breathe easier with the plants. Still hot and humid.

  4. I have a similar purple/green coral bell, with a piece I broke off while weeding sitting in water hoping it decides to send out some roots soon. I need to get out there during these next few cooler days and plant some iris and hostas I dug up a few days ago. And the ones dug up last fall that have been patiently waiting in a tub. They seem fairly happy in it tho - they are putting out flowers. I also need to put out the rest of the plant tags. And keep up with the weeding so they don't take over again. And... I don't think the list ends!

    I like those new quilt blocks, and the way the diagonal lines fade in and out as I look at them.

  5. I like this, and would love to make something similar. In studying your fabrics, I think that maybe you misplaced fabric in two of the blocks. The ones with the blue roses? Looks like you used 2 matching instead of four, spreading the blue roses and the other print over two separate blocks. If this was intentional, wonderful......I just thought you might appreciate know , incase it's not what you intended.

  6. Oh! I'm loving that economy block quilt! the dark/light arrangement is fantastic! I might have to get a die cutter just to make economy blocks!!!

  7. It's going to be beautiful :)

  8. Glad to know that you didn't need to 'RIP' !!!!!
    I have so many designs that I'd like to give a go....I should not even LOOK at YOUR blog posts !!!!1

  9. As I looked at both photos today, you are designing with plants within a block, like your fabric designing on those big blocks. (*._.*) Nice work on both.


  10. I absolutely love your use of color!


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