
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Exciting day...............

It was action day for the landscaping crew.  First they took out all of the Rose of Sharon in the round bed in the front yard.  There was a misty rain at that point.

This is the "before" photo.

Next they dug out the front by the picture window, before and after. This is before they filled back in with dirt.

Then onto the other side of the porch.  Most had been removed by the time I took this photo.

The side of the house was next, about 100 Rose of Sharon, a half dead Burning Bush with a Honeysuckle growing behind it plus many volunteer trees and a huge aster plant.

This is after the dirt was filled in.  I will have 3 compact burning bushes along the side of the house and some of this dirt has been seeded so hopefully grass will grow.  We have rain predicted every day for the next 7 days.  There will be a few more plants under the front window and in front of the hydrangea bush.  The sun was in my eyes when I took the photo so I didn't know the house was tipped until the photo got to my computer at 11 p.m last night.

They were here from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m with a lunch break.  After they left I planted 3 of the Sedums that I showed yesterday in pots.  This bed will have some pavers/patio blocks with a couple walkways for me plus the corner with the hose cart.  They will come back probably next week to do that part of the job.  Then I can plan the rest of the planting.

This is my first picking of the black raspberries so there were enough to have on top of ice cream.

I got the binding all sewn onto the Kaffe quilt that I just quilted, all by machine.  I didn't finish until 10:30 p.m. so it was too late to get it's photo taken.



  1. looking forward to seeing how it will look. I had a handful of blackberries when I got home Tuesday - Melanie had forgotten about them so I got to eat them after all - only have a couple more - I guess that is ok for the first season - hope for a lot more next year.
    I like that stripe fabric

  2. WOW--that will be quite a change in your available planting areas--should be fun for you to set up the new garden areas! Enjoy...;)))

    Love that binding--perfect fit for the quilt...hugs, Julierose

  3. I’m excited to see how it will turn out. I’m always so happy to eat beautiful fruit. Enjoy.

  4. That was good to get all the overgrown stuff out of the beds and away from the house. A fresh start is fun! That is a lot of raspberries! I hope you have a few more coming yet.

  5. What a difference this is going to make, once all your planting is done Wanda. You must be thrilled to finally get this done, and it will totally change the appearance of your house, while making it so much easier to care for. Hopefully the rain predicted for the next 3 days does not wash the grass seed away.

  6. Wow, what a difference. smart move. volunteer trees are the worst. I have walnut trees that I'm about to tackle that the squirrels have been planting. It all looks great.

  7. The house will look nice when done. I question the choice of burning bush though. I know they have gorgeous fall color, but they have also landed on the invasive species list in Iowa, I think for Illinois too? I just ripped out the mostly winter killed remains of one, and have 2 more to remove. Worse is I keep finding seedlings scattered about where they were planted.

    Love the latest quilt - so simple, yet gorgeous and interesting. I like the straight line quilting on it too.

  8. Wow, your re-landscaping project is bigger than I thought. Smart to have the professionals come in and remove the old plants. I should do that and put some of the gardens back to grass. It's just become too much for me to keep up with.

  9. My husband had to read and look at your photos this morning … Wow Wanda, so happy you hired a team to remove it all and to photograph the before and after. We can appreciate all the work that was done. And just like you ‘not to let any grass grow under your feet’ to get out there and do some planting before the sun went down.

    Then to go in and finish the binding on your Kaffe quilt, you really deserved your delicious black raspberry Sunday as a treat for the day.


  10. Your landscaping perks up your house and makes it look fresh. I adore that Kaffe quilt and all the choices you made while making it, especially the spacer rows and the striped binding. Bravo to a very productive day!

  11. Oh how exciting, indeed! Blank canvas ready for your gardening touches - fabulous and so worth having others do the heavy lifting parts of the project.

    And I am loving this quilt that you've just finished binding.

  12. Wow — you get more done in a day than I do in a week! All those excellent accomplishments... much planning and arranging go into these achievements. Well done!

  13. Looks great, Wanda! And the raspberries do too !

  14. It is so good that you called in the big guns and get it all a blank slate for you. It is going to be marvelous!

  15. There comes a time when you just have to make changes. Things can get overgrown or just be thugs in general. I like clean looking houses without landscaping overpowering the place. I will need to do some serious pruning on my knockouts this winter for just that reason.

  16. Perhaps you could send your landscapers along to our place!! Looks like they really got on with the task.


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