
Saturday, June 19, 2021

A little nature...........

The pots by my garage are filling out nicely.  The Coleus will grow a lot taller before summer is over.

I spent a lot of time in the basement yesterday putting things away and pressing sewing was done.

Here is the other pot by the garage.  I depend on the Coleus for most of the color in these pots.  The trailing vine has little purple flowers for some contrast.

I put some of my flower pots by the tomato garden along the driveway.  I have planted some Marigolds between some of the plants and I see a few of them coming up.

The Milkweed is in bloom.  This is in the garden that will be all dug up.  I see some holes in the Milkweed leaves but haven't seen any Monarch caterpillars.  I saw one Monarch butterfly about a month ago but haven't seen any since.  I don't see any way to transplant Milkweed with a root that just goes straight down in the ground.



  1. those two coleus pots are so pretty...especially with those blue flowers...
    my coleus has not yet emerged--don't know why. Hugs, Julierose

  2. Just watered my pots this morning. Can't believe all the growth in the past week. Filling is a good thing.

  3. Once again the forecast rain didn't materialize. A few spritzes, but not enough to clean the pollen off the cars or dampen areas under the trees. Ground is like cement, so I may not be able to finish planting the dahlia tubers. I really like the "star" quilt and the insert strips are just the right touch.

  4. Maybe just wait to dig around the milkweed until fall and scatter the seeds where you expect to have room for it elsewhere?


  5. In the past week our coleus plants have really taken off as have a number of the other plants. They seem to like the higher humidity and heat although the intense sun is pretty strong . . .

  6. I like the photo of your plants along your driveway. Those dark red petunia's really stand out, as do the yellow and pink ones in the tub. I've finally got some Fuchsia's open in the wall planter - the rest of them are full of buds waiting to open. Once they do, they usually flower right through until October and sometimes hold on until November, if it's mild. That's one reason I love Fuchsia's. Enjoy your weekend; hope you get the rain you need :)

  7. After spending hours as a youngster pulling milkweeds from the field of beans in central Illinois, I now try to plant them in my flower beds for the monarchs too. And am learning that they are a perennial with a long, deep taproot! Tried planting some seeds last fall and none came up. Have tried to transplant some small plants from the roadside ditches, but no success this year. Sorry you will lose yours when they dig up that bed.

  8. I cant even remember why I didn’t get to your blog yesterday… I truly love your quilt you showed on Friday, it shouts with amazing fabric and design.

    I am getting ready for a traditional ‘50 mile yard sale’ that happens every lat weekend in June, in our valley. Not last hear though…

    Enjoyed your garden tour again today.


  9. I love your coleus. Mine all got killed in the freeze this winter, but I planted seeds and they are up and getting a few separated into pots. Have you seen #coleustree on instagram? I did not know there was such a thing, but I like it!


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