
Tuesday, June 1, 2021

2 finished..................

On Sunday I cut batting and pressed backings to be ready for quilting yesterday.  First I quilted Hugs and Kisses with a loop de loop freehand design.

It is only 39" square so it didn't take long to quilt it.

It has a pink flannel print on the back.

Since I could use the same color thread both top and bobbin I quilted the pink zig zag next.  It is done with a large meander.

It is 39" x 47.5".  I cut binding for both quilts next and sewed them on all by machine.

The back on this one is also flannel.  It is a peachy pink but still looks good with the pinks on the front.

It felt really good to sneak in 2 finishes for May since I have been lagging in that department.

I will do my May monthly recap tomorrow. 



  1. I am glad you got these two done for your May finishes. They both are so darn pretty! With all the yardwork you have been doing, it is understandable that something has to be set aside.

  2. What beautiful finishes...loving those pinks...nice work x2 ;))
    hugs, Julierose

  3. PASSION FOR PINK …. These quilts just glow, and their backings are such pretty pink flannels. Good to see they are now completed.


  4. Love the pinks, both are really sweet.

  5. Love the pinks . . . 2 finishes, that's worth celebrating!

  6. These are so pretty -- congrats on the finishes!

  7. The pinks did alright! Nice quilts and cheery.

  8. I love both of those quilts. As I said before, I'm not a pink person, but these have made me think again - beautiful!

  9. These are great. Hat flannel backing will be so snuggly too.


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