
Saturday, May 1, 2021

Monthly recap for April 2021

 Three pink quilt tops, all the same fabrics and they look so different in photos taken different times of the day.

Hugs and Kisses is 40" square, zig zag is 40" x 48" and pink diamonds is 48" x 64".  I hope to quilt all of them in May.

I made 3 more quilt tops in April, Floral Colorwash is 30" square, scrappy Friendship Star is 48" x 60" and Chisel Star is 54" x 72".  I was surprised how the orange and red backgrounds in the Friendship Star stood out as squares.  This was an experiment in using different values as the backgrounds instead of all similar value backgrounds.  I don't think it is very effective and probably would not do it again.

The backyard is beautiful now with the maple trees in the background behind the Redbuds.

The Redbuds by the driveway look great too.  The sky was so blue.  I took these photos after I finished mowing the grass.  It was in the 60s, not too hot, with a little breeze.  Today is supposed to be in the mid 80s and windy and that would not be a comfortable day to mow.


  1. Wow, a very busy month, and so pretty pink flimsies! No matter what the light is, they are gorgeous all the same! Love Chisel Star too! The orange and red backgrounds on the Friendship Star top look good to me.

  2. Well done on all your hard work creating this quilts and tops - makes me feel like I've been so lazy haha, but I did have other this to do helping a friend.
    Your trees look so vibrant against that blue blue sky. Now the sun is making an appearance your flowers must be flourishing. One of my Clematis is full of buds ready to start flowering and I'm hoping the one that gives palm size flowers does better this year as not many last year. My Fuchsia's are putting out lots of buds so should be a colourful garden this year. Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine :)

  3. I always love how it looks with the trees so filled out and green - the flowers blossoming. Your red bud is beautiful and looks like it made it through the cold weather ok.
    I do believe I have the dies for the first pink quilt on the left side. I like how that looks and might use that for one next year -

  4. Just lovely finishes for April--I especially like the pink trio--all so charming...nice works hugs, Julierose

  5. Watching you create your glorious designs through the month and now to see them all together, I hope you feel you've had a very productive month again. I couldn't produce that in a year.

    I'm envious of your Red Bud trees, so pretty.


  6. How interesting about the pink tops that they all use the same fabrics but look different depending on time of day that you took the photos! They are all very pretty. I love the chisel quilt too. I know I could figure out how to make it, but do you have a pattern for it?

  7. What a gloriously colorful post - LOVE those blue skies, pink quilt tops, and pink and green trees!

  8. You had a good month of making tops. They all are so pretty! The redbud is gorgeous!

  9. Your pink quilts make me so happy! Clearly a month of cheerful sewing!


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