
Monday, May 3, 2021

Making test blocks.............

I mentioned a couple weeks ago I had some new dies that I hadn't used yet and needed to make test blocks.  The first one is three fabrics and took some concentration to make.

The second block is one background and four colors.

Then I tried 2 backgrounds and 4 fabrics for the star.  I think it would look better with 4 backgrounds than it looks with 2 background fabrics.

Today I think I will dig out this yellow edged Hosta and move it to a different spot where I can see it better. 

I mowed my backyard yesterday late afternoon after it cooled down a few degrees.  We have rain forecasted for tonight and we really need it.


  1. Good morning Wanda and another week begins. Of the 3 pics shown I prefer the 2nd with one background. Obviously once you start sewing and putting them all together things will change as you always come up with the right solution :)
    Hope you get the rain you need as it's been dry here as well. I've used my hose pipe but I'm thinking of the farmers who need it for their crops. Have a great sewing week :)

  2. I had just spotted that die and added it to my list of ones that I might like to get. It will be interesting to see how you decide to make it.

  3. Such a challenging looking quilt block, Wanda!

  4. There was a fascinating discussion of hosta on one of our PBS stations. The program was produced in Memphis. I had no idea there were so many varieties of hosta.

  5. Well, my hosta is not up enought to transplant anywhere. The new block is interesting.

  6. That block is so interesting! Your are going to have fun playing with that die. That hosta is pretty. I hope you find a good spot for it.

  7. Looks like a really challenging "twisty" block==but very pretty...
    hugs, Julierose

  8. Interesting block for sure. My hostas are maybe an inch out of the ground. But the tulips and daffodils were very bright and pretty this year and I look forward to more flowers. We saw trillium in the park where we walked yesterday- so pretty!

  9. What is this star called? I made a quilt several years ago that had a number of different stars, and this one was on it. I don’t remember the name of this block.

  10. OMG ! OMG Wanda your new block is sensational ! I can clearly see the time it takes to stitch all the points. It's an extraordinary design and your fabrics are as well. This one is truly going to be a fun one to watch grow.

    It was good to read several ladies haven't seen the growth of their hostas like yours. Mine are just beginning to peek through the soil, also.


  11. Oh I love this new block of yours!! I prefer the last one with the four different back grounds.


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