
Saturday, April 3, 2021

More pink goodness...............

 I cut the remaining long hexagons and got the pink x and o quilt top sewn together but it isn't pressed yet.

I have 2 fabrics that are large enough for the back of this baby quilt so I will have to make a decision and get it pressed.

Then I sewed some more triangles into squares for the next pink quilt.

I spent most of the morning and some of the night before on the phone trying to solve a wi-fi problem.  Suddenly Wednesday night I had no internet signal in my studio and I carried the laptop to the area where the modem is and it connected, took it back, it disconnected.  I called them and after spending hours of trying things and discussion they are sending me a new modem thinking that the router in it has failed.  Right now my laptop and smartphone have to be within 12 feet of the modem to get a signal.  I'm not sure this is the right fix but I'll try it.


  1. I hope you get your router problem sorted out soon. I know what it's like to be without the 'connection' to the outside world haha. Who would have thought that a few years ago, when we just had telephones to communicate. When my old pc broke (22" screen) it wasn't the same using my iPad (10") and no links to my favourite sites - at least I had my sewing and garden to keep me occupied, so I got more jobs done in the end :)

  2. Pink is such a happy color isn't it? Must be fun working with it on this project...just lovely...hugs Julierose

  3. So much fun to see you working with such pretty pinks!

  4. computer problems are no good - I hate when it does that, out here in the country we seem to have issues all the time.
    Love the pink piecing

  5. The pink is very pretty, and I like the little bits of other colors here and there. Hope you get the internet fixed soon. For something that we haven't had in our lives for very long, well for some of us anyway, we sure do miss it when it's not there. Of course, I'd probably get lots more done if it were out more often.

  6. The softness of your pinks just warm my heart. I hope working on your little pink squares helped you forget about your internet dilemma,, for awhile. Like everyone else I agree these internet outages are no fun. And then to have to speak to some one in a foreign land, makes it more difficult to communicate. Hours just melt away on us trying to get back up and running again.

    Happy Easter weekend ~ JJM

  7. I really like your pink quilt! How do you press the seams where the blocks meet? Up on one row and down on the next, I suspect, unless you press those little triangles open. Thanks for all the sharing you do with us!

  8. Love the pink too!
    We had a similar WiFi problem. Service guy said "I can't fix it" after several hours of trying. Our son came over. Three hours later he moved the router and it was better, but I also bought a WiFi booster. It was about $50 but gave me great speed and consistent service. My hubby has his PCs on the main floor and gets a dropped signal now and then on an old laptop, fixes it with a reboot. (Blames it on the laptop) When he has his work computer on with two monitors, his own PC with two monitors and I turn mine on with two monitors, the Bluetooth stuff sometimes throws its hands up and surrenders. All this is to make us patient!! (and glad we still know how to use the phone)

  9. I recognize a few of those pinks; they were in my stash once upon a time. Those were some of the prettiest pinks! How good to see them here. They make a quilt you want to cuddle.
    Good luck with your modem.
    Happy Easter.


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