
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Signs of spring...........

My Forsythia bush has been chopped back so many times it is pretty scraggly but it is flowering nicely for me this year.

I had to dig out and cut back the Black Raspberry canes last year so my painters could get up to the windows and window wells to do their work.  I left 4 tall ones and they are sprouting so I know they are alive.

Several of the peonies have started to grow.  This is the earliest plant and has deep burgundy blooms.

It looks like I might get some Daffodil blooms after all.  The bulbs are over crowded and usually I just get leaves and once in a while a flower.  I see several buds this year.

The Bleeding Heart has barely broken ground so we are really still in the very early stages of spring here in northern IL. 


  1. WOW you are way ahead of us back here in the NE! Just the tippy-tops of the trees are now turning red...Spring is such a hopeful season...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. yes it looks like spring has arrived to your house. I planted a forsythia bush last year but it didn't grow a lot maybe this year it will and flower next year - I hope so. Hope your blackberries made it.

  3. It's always a relief to see signs of life in our garden plants, especially after the unusually cold winter we had. I was very concerned about one our elms, but it is finally budding out.

  4. Even though we are farther South than you, often spring comes about the same time as IL. The rule I always stuck by was not to put out plants until Mother’s Day….and that holds true here too because I’m in the mountains with an elevation of 3,200…..

  5. Time to dig up the daffies and spread them out :-) I'm Dutch. Mom made me do it every 3 years.

  6. Spring bulbs and perennials are popping out all over here. The hellebores are in full flower, the daffodils started opening Thurs and the forsythia is changing everyday. You can hints of green on many of the bushes and shrubs. I have to keep reminding myself that it's still March after all and we can still a get good snowfall.

  7. Quite an array of spring start ups at your house. It was fun reading comments about spring in their areas. Spring is here in the mountains of MT. but winter is to hit us again tomorrow, just to let us know, not to get too excited just yet.


  8. I love seeing all your hopeful Spring photos! Especially the forsythia. That was always the first shrub to show color when I was growing up. Sadly, they do not thrive here. Too hot, I guess.

  9. I am glad the black raspberry canes are showing life! I keep forgetting to plant some. Years ago I had some wild ones, but they have not come back. Your daffodils may need some bone meal. Mine have at least double in quantity from last year and I have no idea why. It is just dumb luck on my part!

  10. nice signs of spring....this is when i miss my own house the most...when all the plants come alive again!


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