
Monday, February 8, 2021

Trip Around the World debut.............

The Kaffe collective Trip Around the World is debuting as a finished top.  I started sewing the stratas almost a year ago and they were pressed and ready to continue for many months.  I finally got tired of moving them around from place to place and started the designing process.   It is 58.5" x 77.5" right now.

Here is a close up of all of the fabrics in it.

 After I finished that I cut 6 more Crossed Canoe blocks and sewed them.  Some of the fabrics are repeats that I used in previous blocks and 5 are new ones.

It was -11 degrees when I got up yesterday and the last time I checked we were up to -2.  Now we will have some warmer days, all the way up to 17 by midweek.

Jack Frost made a visit so enjoy this photo and the next two.


  1. What a contrast between the quilt colors and outside! The TAW is a delight of colors and samples. Looks like the sky is blue, so that is a good thing.

  2. frost is pretty but it sure lets you know how cold it is. Love the quilt

  3. Love the echoing feature of your TAW quilt--so gorgeous--and rich looking...beautiful job with those fabrics!
    We are at 16 degrees right now...more snows expected this week hugs, julierose

  4. Your TAW quilt is spectacular. Congrats on getting it to this stage.

  5. What a glorious rainbow! And the canoes are colorful, too.

  6. Your trip around the world is gorgeous. And you know I love the crossed canoes. You are inspiring me to use more Kaffe fabrics. Frankly, I think I only have a half dozen or so, out of all these tons of fabric in my house.

  7. TAW explodes on my computer screen, absolutely gorgeous ❣. Loved the close up... your designing talent combing all those fabrics really shows on this top.

    'Jack Frost'... Always enjoyed seeing 'his' feathered airy designs.

    We are beginning to catch up with your weather. ❄️ We had our first snow fall since October, yesterday morning. A heavy blanket of 6" covering all plus it continued to snow all day . They are predicting an Arctic Front to hit us tomorrow. And below zero temps for our highs like you have been having. Shock to our system after 40 and 50 degree temps since November. . . In the mountains we got 43" over night !


  8. The TAW quilt top is beautiful! I bet it feels good to have that done!

  9. Simple stunning quilt top, Wanda. Congrats on getting it sewn together! Thanks for the frosty photos. It was around 50 at my house today and we are expecting it to be warmer still tomorrow!

  10. This is so beautiful! I love seeing how different it all looks with a close up photo. What a gorgeous selection of fabrics. There are a lot of older prints in there that I would love to have in my stash.


  11. Love the TAW. Love the Jack Frost photos because you have them and I don't--but here in Western WA our "high" is going to be be 32 degrees later on in the week, so maybe Jack Frost will visit us after all :-)

  12. Whoa - what a magnificent burst of colour showing up on my computer screen this morning!! Absolutely glorious Wanda, love the richness of this TAW.

  13. Oh wow, it's fabulous! Color burst is the right description.

  14. It looks just gorgeous. The temps have really turned frigid for you. I heard that records will be broken this coming weekend.


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