
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Second finish for February 2021

All I had left to do on this quilt was the binding which I did yesterday.  I have been calling it rectangles and daisies.  It is 46" x 64.5", a nice size for someone to snuggle under if sitting in a chair.

The back is 3 long pieces leftover from other quilt backings.

This was just a quick little quilt made between major projects and also helped to use some of my full box of 2.5" Kaffe fabric strips plus 3 orphan blocks.  There is at least one Brandon Mably fabric in the rectangle squares and a couple Martha Negley twig stripes.

The all by machine binding is a Brandon Mably dotted stripe so several colors show up on the edge but it is mostly red.  It looks good with the 2 red print strips on the back.

I love this pink cactus.  It has 4 blooms right now.

 I'll have my monthly recap tomorrow.


  1. Hi Wanda. I love rectangles and daisies! It’s a lovely little quilt! I’d be hard-pressed to decide whether to cuddle up under it or hang it on the wall where I could gaze at it all day. Good finish! Beautiful blue sky here today; hope you’re getting some of that, too! Terry in CO

  2. I've always liked the combination of your daisies and rectangles. The daisies make this quilt a fun 'one of a kind' design.

    Always a treat to see another pretty pink cactus blossoms. . . Just when I've given up on my one and only cactus two tiny buds appeared yesterday. How many cactus do you have ? Maybe I need to get a couple more, so it has some competition ,


  3. Great finish! Just love all those fabrics all together.

  4. Like the idea of adding the three large blocks in this quilt, rectangles and daisies sounds good to me!! KFC fabrics always look beautiful in any pattern and I love them when cut in strips/rectangles.

  5. Adding the 3 blocks really makes this a special quilt.


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