
Friday, February 12, 2021

3 blocks.............

 I'm still working on the colorwash kits and beefing up my own selection of squares for designing my next piece.  I had some of the foam squares that lock together that I hadn't used yet so they are on the floor on all sides of the table now for a little cushioning as I work for hours down there.  Last night I cut 3 more Crossed Canoe blocks.  I need to make more green so you will see some of these fabrics repeated in more blocks.

Starting today we are predicted to be in single digits for high temperatures for 4 days.  The weatherman was kidding it is pretty bad when we are looking forward to a day that is 32 degrees for a high.  More snow too over the weekend.


  1. extreme cold here for us too next 4-5 days you know it is extreme when one night they say maybe -1 -- crazy

  2. Great blocks. Make sure you take breaks on all that standing.

  3. Such pretty greens in these!! We are only at 14 degrees this morning--and snow is predicted for this weekend AGAIN!!
    Take care, stay warm and safe hugs, Julierose

  4. Extremely cold here as well with ice that is not showing any signs of melting for the next 4-6 days. BRRRRR. Glad you put those mats on the floor to give yourself a bit more comfort while you work.

  5. YOU have had one cold LONG winter ! We just got started with the frigid temps, 8 above all day yesterday . -2 below and it supposed to be our high for the day.

    Such striking fabric combinations for your Crossed Canoe blocks. Your talent for for combining these fabrics is always mesmerizing for me.


  6. What has helped my legs more than anything is I now wear what is called recovery footwear. I bought a pair of Hoka slides and I wear then all the time in the house. My lower level is a concrete slab and it tires you out standing on that all day as you know. I have some floor foam squares, but with the addition of the slides my legs don't get fatigued. Oofs is another brand name of recovery footwear. They aren't cheap, but they are worth every penny I paid for them.

  7. Love your canoes. Don't you wish it was warm enough to go for a ride in one ? :-)


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