
Friday, December 11, 2020

A variety.............

Yesterday I cut 5 more pairs of strips for the Kaffe 16 patch quilt and hope to sew them today.

I also sewed the last seam of the Kaffe TAW stratas and pressed them.  I probably won't design and sew that until next month.

I have all of my little Santas out now.  I picked up the poinsettia at W*lm*rt Monday when I did my once a month run.  They actually had everything I needed this time so I won't need to go back until next year.

My friend Diane in NC sent me a birthday present, this Mola  which she bought many years ago.  (It took 11 days to get from NC to IL last month.)  I love all of the delicate stitching in the Molas.  I think these 2 fabrics look good with it and I'm thinking of making a small wallhanging with it.  It would also look nice as the center of a medallion style quilt.

My orange cactus is putting a really good show this year.  There are a couple more buds around the back so I hope they bloom too.


  1. I really like these strata colors you have paired up.
    Your orange CC is so beautiful...
    I haven't gotten my poinsettia as yet--next week I think...
    now that we are not in a quarantine here...
    Hugs from afar Julierose

  2. That Mola is beautiful!!! I like the fabrics with it as well. Now you have a decision to make... medallion or as designed here. My cactus is almost done blooming... it is a bright pink! Best bloom since I bought it in Virginia! Of course, you can't neglect them and expect a great bloom!

  3. Wanda, I love the fabric you chose for the mola Enjoy.
    Tell me how often I should fertilize my holiday cacti now that they have started blooming in my kitchen window..xoxo

  4. I have always loved molas- could never make one- but I love them. I have a similar orange cactus blooming now. All the others have finished. Love the strip colors and patterns.

  5. Another fun, cheerful holiday post today Wanda. Beautiful blue fabrics, fun array of mini santas, I so appreciate the hand needle art work of your mola also... I had to enlarge it to look closer.... Plus a photo of our dancing cactus blossoms


  6. Lots of color in today's post. I think making a wallhanging with the Mola is a great idea. That orange cactus is so pretty!

  7. Oh, that Mola looks lovely with those two fabrics. I have a large-ish Mola that my sister-in-law brought me from Panama. It hangs on my living room wall. Your orange cactus is so pretty. My mom had a red cactus, and it's the one thing I regret not taking after she passed away. I enjoy seeing yours!

  8. Oooh! The photo of the mola and the possible setting fabric sparks an idea. I a have a little mola tucked away.....

  9. Beautiful fabrics in blues....what are you making with them? I bet you told us in an earlier blog. Love your mola. I am organizing my brand new sewing room. I have one on my wall that my sister in law got in Panama for me. I would live to make one but looks difficult.


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