
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Therapy sewing.........

I had a Comcast person coming yesterday to switch out my modem and my TV boxes and to check my lead in cable so I spent the morning vacuuming and dusting around all 4 TVs.  He showed up right at 1 p.m. with a predicted time of 1-3 p.m.  Now I have HD, voice controlled remotes, a tightened connection where the cable comes into the house and a new plan that fits my income.  It only took 1 hour 10 minutes on the phone with them Monday to work out a plan that had what I needed and nothing more plus higher speed internet. and then another 1 hours and 20 minutes to get it all installed and working.  I made a few more masks yesterday afternoon and then last night I just needed some wind down therapy.  I went to my 3 tier triangle container and pulled out 4" finished triangles to make some pinwheel blocks. 


  1. Getting the cable situation is a big job done! I can understand why you needed to wind down. That was great that they were on time. The last time I had to call my provider they were a little early which was fine by me.

  2. I think a lot of us went in search of wind down therapy last night. Mine was hand applique.

  3. Some days require a bit of mindless sewing!! Here's hoping you internet problems are well and truly solved, Wanda.

  4. Time well spent to make your digital life better. Wind down therapy was a smart choice!

  5. I can see why you needed some therapy sewing.

  6. Being at the machine is the best place for me to be when anxious or overwhelmed. My dad would refer to "tractor time" as being a place he could think through issues.

  7. I'm happy that you were able to get everything fixed and working. It's always wonderful to get something checked off the list, especially when it involves someone coming into your home to do it. I'm not sure of all the whys, but having repairmen in our home always stress's me out, more now than before. Well, looks like you found a great way to unwind and ease the tension . . . quilting is good for that, isn't it :)
    Wishing you a lovely day . . . happy quilting.
    Connie :)

  8. My therapy sewing is usually strip piecing or 2.5" squares (which I STILL have leftover from a postage swap years ago...), No plans, just mindless relaxing...
    Nice you are all set up now...
    Hugs, julierose


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