
Friday, November 6, 2020

Taking inventory..........


I have been taking advantage of our week of 70 degree days to get some outside work done.  I have raked and hauled a lot of leaves to the edge of my yard for the Monday morning leaf vacuum that is provided by the city.  If I can keep at it I'll have one more batch to pile out there by the weekend.   While inside I'm just picking at little jobs, one being making a list of all of the cut sizes I have and types of fabric so if I come up with a project needing that size I'll know if I already have it.  I can also use these pieces with my die cutter to cut other shapes.  I'm also looking over my quilt tops and deciding which ones need to be quilted this month.  All prep work and no sewing.


  1. Good luck with your leaves! Pacing yourself the way you do makes the job not so overwhelming. Planning and prep is something that I don't do much until I have a project, but then I still just fly by the seat of my pants most of the time! You are so much more organized than I am. Prepping is a good job to do after all the hard work of moving leaves.

  2. This stretch of warmer weather has been a real gift. I'm getting a lot done outside that may have just waited until spring. Of course, that means not much is happening inside, but there will be plenty of time for that soon.

  3. There is so much prep work needed to make things look as good as you do --- thanks for sharing a bit of that background process here. We've had glorious 70 degree weather this week, too - and it looks like it might continue into next week!

  4. I too have been raking leaves. However I have to compost them myself so have been moving them to the containers to start the composting process. Makes great additions to my garden. I live on a small farm.

  5. I've raked and hauled so many leaves this year, I think all the rain doubled the usual number. But our weather has been wonderful lately just like yours. I've also organized my fabrics better, now I hope I can find everything when I need it. I might need to copy your big, bold labels!

  6. The weather has been GLORIOUS! (We have to brace ourselves for a 20-degree drop next Tuesday night when the front comes through.)

  7. It's definitely worth spending time on good preparation I think, saves a heck of a lot of time when we decide on our next project.


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