
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Searching through neutrals............

 I feel like I am working in slow motion.  It must be all of that sugar in the dark chocolate and birthday cake.  The only fabric fun was going through my neutral batiks to choose more for the triangles, long rectangles and corner squares for the Bear Paw blocks.  I will be repeating all of them through all three shapes.

I put the last 3 pieces of birthday cake in the freezer so I can enjoy it later this month.

I did my grocery shopping yesterday afternoon because it is supposed to be considerably colder and windy today.  I think I have enough of the fresh items for about 8 days.  I was shopping about 8 p.m. in the summer because it was still light out and very few people were in the store at that time.  Now I have to shop when it is busier because I don't like going out in the dark.

There are a couple 60 degree days predicted at the end of the week so I hope to do more clean up in my garage, not a fun task.  I need to pot some cactus starts too while I am working out there.  They have some healthy looking roots and 2 of them have been waiting about 4 years for this as they sat in cups on my kitchen windowsill, getting a little water occasionally.


  1. Sometimes we all need a day to just veg out and just smell the roses Wanda, and in your case, the beautiful birthday bouquets you received. Lately I've been having far too many of those days and really need some motivation to get some Christmas gifts finished. I should probably wander over to Vicki's blog and see if some of her abundance of energy rubs off on me. lol Hugs

  2. You have such a lovely selection of light batiks there....very pretty...
    I finally found a dark red/mauve-y cactus today at the grocery store while shopping for two weeks' worth. It is already in bloom ..hope it will like my window...;)))
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. I'm drooling over all those neutral batiks. I have bunches of batiks but not so many of those. My cactus needs to be trimmed back big time and some of the straps potted up but who knows if that will get done.

  4. That's a wonderful selection of neutral batiks. I've found the neutral batiks to usually of a hint of color to them. I have an orange Thanksgiving cactus that usually blooms at Halloween. It's not doing well, so I will take some cuttings to start a new one, but when I looked the other day it had started budding, so I guess I will wait till it's done flowering. Good idea to freeze the rest of the cake for later.

  5. Good grief, 80 years old! Happy belated birthday! My Christmas cactus is blooming as well. I thought about taking a couple of cuttings, but the two that I have are outgrowing their space!

  6. Beautiful array of neutrals Wanda, You need a slower day after your big celebration... it couldn't be from all that chocolate and cake.

    Bear Paw blocks ... I can see the bear paw design and I also see bachelor button blossoms . (*._.*) Your blocks are so very pretty and I love that you have used the neutral sashing. Compliments the intense colorful fabrics...


  7. Happy belated Birthday Wanda. Those neutrals are exquisite, how fortunate to have that nice assortment of light batiks.

  8. Yummy neutrals! We all have days where our mind wants to get things done, but our body is telling us just to relax a bit. Tuesday I went on a walk to the grocery store to their in-store post office. It was cold - in the upper 30's and windy - but I needed to get a walk in. Turned out to be a 4 mile round trip! I didn't do much the rest of the day, but at least I didn't fall asleep.


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