
Monday, November 2, 2020

I had to have it..........

What a neat new zebra fabric by Tula Pink!!  Of course I had to have some of it.  I love the little colored pencils on the selvage instead of color dots.

Here is more of the neat selvage.  Click on photo to enlarge.

I decided I needed the skunk too.  It is 5" long from nose to tail so it would fit in a fussy cut 6" finished square.

Yesterday I attempted to start cleaning off table tops again.  I didn't get very far but any little bit is better than none.


  1. Super fabric--love those zebras-- so cute...hugs, Julierose

  2. The Zebra's are great, with the little touches of colours and those skunks are adorable, designed using flower heads. Whenever I look at my large Zebra print on my wall I think of you haha - I know they are your favourites :)

  3. I can see why you fell in love with the zebra fabric. It's beautiful.

  4. Cut strips off your selvedges and layer and sew on batting to make some placemats. Then you can keep and remember the selvedge you loved so. I like to eat and read my mat and relive earlier quilt makes and favorite fabrics.

  5. I have some of her Lemur Me Alone yardage from that same line on order - the lemurs at our zoo are some of our favorites to watch. I wondered if you would get the zebras . . .

  6. The zebra fabric is fabulous! That little touch of color is unexpected. The skunk fabric is so cute.

  7. I thought of you when I saw that fabric this morning. I am going to order one of the other pieces from this collection. Tula always has interesting color dots.

  8. OMG!!! I would have bought it, too. IF it's still available, I might NEED some!

  9. OMG! I love the zebra fabric. I may need some too! And hello! I’m a new follower having come back to quilting after a 10 year hiatus.


  10. Also? May I ask where you purchased it?


  11. I LOVE them (animals by Tula!) I can't wait to see what you do with them!

  12. Oh, me too, of course! I just couldn’t wait! It’s absolutely wonderful. I got most of the others from that line too, though obviously the zebra is my very favorite!

  13. I saw the zebras at the LQS the other day. They are fabulous.


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