
Saturday, November 14, 2020

I did it!!.........

I made it to the big day today, my 80th birthday!!  I hear people complaining about being one year older and not telling other people their age.  I am the opposite and so thankful for each year and proud to say I got this far.  

This bouquet arrived yesterday from one of my daughter's best friends.  She spent many hours here playing games and being silly with my daughter and I love her dearly.

Here are the cards I have received so far this week so it feels like I had a birthday week instead of a day.

Today I can have 2 Dr. Peppers in celebration!!  Maybe other forbidden foods too!



  1. Congratulations! Happy Birthday! Hope that you have the best celebration that you can, and a wonderful year to follow. I also hope that I can still create just as prolifically as you when I'm 80!

  2. I am 2 years behind you--and so happy to be here. Enjoy your time to the fullest and celebrate every minute

  3. Happy Birthday Wanda! This is your birthday Month! Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  4. Happy 80th birthday!!! You have a great attitude about growing older!!!

  5. Happy, happy birthday Wanda! 80 years is definitely something to celebrate. May you have many more years of colorful enjoyment!

  6. Happy birthday! I’m so glad to hear that’s the way you feel about your birthday and about growing older! I totally agree with you! I think it is so silly when people say they’re 29 years after they obviously are much older. I always insist in telling people my actual age - which is still quite a bit younger than yours at 62. Since I almost died at age 36 and then lost a nephew aged 18 shortly before turning 40, I have definitely appreciated every year and never been sorry to see another birthday roll around. And while there definitely are disadvantages to growing old, it’s quite clear that it beats the hell out of the alternative!
    I hope you have many years of exuberant colorful creativity ahead of you. Thank you so much for your generosity in continuing to share your creations and little parts of your life with us. ❤️

  7. Wishing you lots of happiness on your special day. Maybe the colours in your beautiful bouquet will inspire a new quilt idea. Love your Zebra card of course with his pom pom hat. Enjoy your weekend creating, no time for slacking haha.

  8. Happy birthday!!!!!!! Glad you have fun and forbidden things planned, even if it just involves Dr. Pepper! I, too, am not ashamed of my age, because, darn it all, I've earned these gray hairs!!

    Have fun!!!!

  9. Happy birthday, Wanda! 80 has never looked better! You are delightful, fun, and an inspiration! Cheers to you today!

  10. Happiest of Birthdays, Wanda! I hope you celebrate with all of your favorite things (and forbidden foods!!). I don't often comment on your posts, but I do admire your work very much. Enjoy your day, and may you have a wonderful year ahead!

  11. Congratulations on reaching another milestone. Wishing you good health and happy, productive days.

  12. Happy birthday, Wanda! I'm so glad you spent it celebrating with a friend. Lovely flowers.

  13. Congratulations and the happiest of birthday wishes are being sent your way!

  14. Happiest of Birthdays on this "special" one;)). Lovely bouquet--for an octagenarian...nice milestone...definitely give yourself some treats...
    hugs, Julierose

  15. Happy Birthday, Wanda! The flowers are just beautiful and the cards are lovely. Wishing you a wonderful birthday followed by a spectacular year and many happy returns of the day. You deserve every happiness.

  16. Wanda, Hope you have a wonderful day doing what you love best!

  17. 80 -- I would never have guessed! Happy belated birthday!

  18. Happy Birthday. I feel the same way. I am happy to have gotten this far and I want to see how much farther I get to go.

  19. A very happy birthday to you. What a wonderful bouquet and cards. 80 and proud of it!
    I agree, how silly not to be honest about age - it doesn't bother me either.

  20. Happy Birthday, Wanda! Congratulations on your attitude and your life! I am grateful for everyday especially since my heart attack 2 1/2 years ago. May your bobbin be full and stitches be perfect.

  21. What a special day! You are such an inspiration you are to those who are rapidly approaching that big 80. Please know how much you are appreciated.

  22. Happy Birthday, Wanda. I love your attitude. You have always been an inspiration to me. Wishing you all the forbidden foods you like. A day is not complete 'til needle and fabric meet.

  23. Happy Birthday! I hope I am as mobile and active as you as I age! I always forget until you post, how close our birthdays are!!! I got the best gifts this year!

  24. Happy Birthday, Wanda! Go celebrate girl, it is a proud accomplishment for sure. Love your beautiful bouquet. Each day is a blessing so enjoy it all you can..

  25. Congratulations! and many, many more returns. I have the same attitude about my age. I'm not shy about saying how old I am. My bro passed away at 46 so I know we don't choose how long we get to stay. Just enjoy every single day. I am still young at 57 but I take care of myself. You are a fine example of who I want to be when I grow up, smart, capable, and mobile. Stay safe and keep stitching. ;^)


  26. Oh how wonderful and congrats on turning 80 and enjoy
    every minute of it and yes 2 Dr Peppers sounds like
    a good way to celebrate... the day week and month...
    Thankful for each day we get so enjoy them all..

  27. It does not seem possible that you are 80! I guess quilting has kept you young; hope that works for me too! Hope you enjoyed your day and thanks for sharing your knowledge with us every day.

  28. Happy birthday Wanda. I feel the same way about aging. I'm hoping I can celebrate my 80th in 2 years. Thanks for bringing so much pleasure to my life every day. I feel as if you are a real friend.

  29. Happy birthday to my quilting inspiration. Wishing you many more.

  30. I celebrated my 60th last week with family, bonfire, & fireworks. I agree with being grateful on birthdays. Happy Birthday 🎂

  31. Happy Birthday!! I'm like you I tell my age - I feel younger but admit to the age - have fun eating your forbidden foods and drink - glad you are with us still

  32. Happy Birthday Wanda! Quilting has to keep our minds sharp don't you think! Hope you have a wonderful day and your flowers are beautiful.

  33. I want to be like you with that great attitude when I reach 80 ... you are such a treasure ... here’s to many more years to celebrate!

  34. Congratulations! You are a shining example for all 80 year olds..enjoy your Dr. Pepper!

  35. Congratulations and happy birthday! I hope I'm as energetic and productive as you are when I get to be 80. Best wishes for many more happy years.

  36. Happy Birthday Wanda, and welcome to the Octogenarian Club! You truly are an inspiration to many, and hope you will continue to enjoy life for many more years to come. Hugs

  37. Happy Birthday, Wanda. You are entitled to celebrate your 80th birthday for the whole month if you want. That bouquet is beautiful. I hope there is also some new fabric in your basket of gifts. Your quilting keeps your mind sharp and your gardening keeps your body moving. Here's to many more years of providing us with inspiration. Thank you.

  38. Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy the heck out of that 2nd Dr Pepper. And cake. And whatever other treats come your way, edible or not. Those flowers are gorgeous!

  39. have a happy birthday sonjoy great you still are posting. I read your b log every day and really enjoy it. you motivate me to keep at it... happy birthday again.

  40. Happy Birthday Wanda. You are an inspiration. Because of you I have learned to embrace bright fabrics, etc, and so much more. I am 4 years behind you but eons behind you in energy and production. I think you should take the whole year to celebrate. I have defied the odds in reaching 76 and all my days are bonuses. Enjoy your birthday. And many more.

  41. Happy birthday Wanda. You are truly an inspiration to us younger folks! Hope you have a wonderful day.

  42. Happiest of birthdays, Wanda...friend, fellow quilter, colorist extraordinaire, teacher, observer of nature, mentor and inspiration to us all. Love to you {{{hugs}}}


  43. Happy 80th!!! I am glad you enjoyed that second Dr. Pepper. Hope you enjoy other treats as well. I am with you when someone complains about getting older I tell them it sure beats the alternative. I am only 64 this year and glad for each day! Looking forward to your posts for many many more years!

  44. Wishing you a fabulous birthday. I enjoy reading you daily and look forward to each and every day of your creativity!

  45. Happy, happy birthday, Wanda! Hope you take the time to celebrate today, even if the celebration is a bit odd thanks to ongoing pandemic issues. The flowers are jost gorgeous — lots of exuberant color there, for sure — and your friends obviously know how much you like zebras! Have a great day!

  46. Happy 80th Birthday! I found your blog early on and just love getting your daily updates. You always brighten my day.

  47. Wishing you not only the best, happiest birthday but also the best year yet to come. Enjoy those pretty flowers and Dr Peppers!

  48. Wishing you health and joy in the coming year. "Never regret growing older. It is a priviledge denied to many." Congratulations! Must be all that yard work, a joy in creating, and good genes. God Bless you.

  49. Happy Birthday Wanda. May your threads stay strong, you scissors sharp and your cactus plants bloom in a riot of color.

  50. Happy birthday, and may you have many more years of quilting and gardening joy!

  51. Happy Birthday! And thanks for all the joy and beauty you bring us through your blog. Best wishes - Laura


  53. Happy Birthday, Wanda! And many more!

  54. Wanda, I am wishing you a wonderful birthday. I hope this day brings as much happiness and inspiration to you as you bring to me. I find your quilting to be amazing and I love the photographs of your yard and plants.You bring me joy daily. Thank you.

  55. Happy 80th birthday, Wanda!

    I so enjoy reading your blog everyday and seeing all the new projects you make. Have a special day, and yes, eat those forbidden foods! Sending virtual hugs...

  56. Wanda, I hope you are around for many more years to inspire us. Since I am a youngster of 74, you are an inspiration. I follow your blog & enjoy your posts.
    Happy Birthday!!

  57. Happy Birthday. Two things that I do every single day - look at your blog and have a Dr. Pepper.

  58. Happy, happy birthday Wanda! Congratulations on the good work you have done to keep yourself healthy! I think the joyful use, and appreciation, of COLOR everyday has great health benefits. And you are all the proof needed!

  59. Happy Birthday, Wanda. I feel the same way about each year older (75 now, looking forward to 76 in February). Have a great day. I pray you celebrate many more birthdays.
    Bertha Mallard

  60. Happy, happy, birthday, Wanda! I share your joy in having an 80th birthday. It is truly an accomplishment and should be shouted from the rooftops. Thank you, thank you for your joy in quilting, your organizational nature that is topped by your creativity, particularly in the use of color. This past year you have been an inspiration.
    When flagging, I'll think, "Whoa! Yesterday Wanda not only quilted, she mowed her lawn, too. What's keeping me from moving on, too? I look forward to another year of your happy blog, full of color and encouragement to us all. Marnie Haines

  61. Happy Birthday, Wanda!! I hope you have a wonderful day - month - and many more years - ;))

  62. Happy Birthday Wanda! May you enjoy a special day and many more birthdays.



  64. Happy Happy Birthday, Wanda, and many many more!!!

  65. A very happy birthday! Enjoy a day of reflection and looking forward.

  66. WOW!!!! did it...You are one strong woman...You know I am a Wanda Wannabee!! Good for you..xoxoxo

  67. Congratulations Wanda - what a wonderful milestone to celebrate! I say you've earned more than two Dr Peppers - enjoy whatever your little heart desires. Here's to many, many more!

  68. Happy 80th dear friend ! I know you feel the happiness today from all ... You have given us so many smiles with sharing your quilting world with us through your blog that you deserve your 2 Dr. Peppers for sure. (*._.*) Love your bouquet, I too received one very similar a couple weeks ago. We made it Wanda and it feels so good most days...


  69. Many best wishes for your 80th Birthday! It's certainly worth celebrating so enjoy every minute of your time with family and friends. And no doubt reflecting back too. I've just turned 75 so can appreciate your thoughts on these big birthdays!

  70. Congratulations and Happy Birthday!! Have been reading your blog for years and love seeing what you are doing and being inspired!! Blessings to you as you turn 80 years young! You’re an amazing lady!

  71. Awe, how wonderful! I hope your birthday has been as wonderful as you are! 80 is a marvelous number to celebrate and I wish you so many more, as well as so many more wonderful Quilts! I admire you so much!

  72. Happy birthday, Wanda! Thank you so much for sharing so much with us--I look forward to your blog every day.

  73. Happy birthday to you !!! And many more....

  74. Sounds like you had a very happy day. Wishing you many more happy and healthy years! You are such an inspiration!

  75. Happy birthday, Wanda! I’m with you, on telling my age, and being happy that I’m around to celebrate another one.


  76. Happy Birthday!!!!!! 😊😊😊

  77. Happy birthday to a fabulous quilter, a terrific teacher and a friend. You inspire me every day, and I STILL THINK that NOBODY, but NOBODY does color better than you do.

    Hugs and happy day!

    (Millie is the cat, and sends purrs)

  78. Happy, Happy Birthday. You should be proud of being 80 and doing all of the stuff that you still do! Celebrate! And keep making beautiful quilts. I love following your blog.

  79. I read your blog every night before bed and am so inspired. Happy Birthday Wanda.

  80. Congratulations!!!!
    I am writing you fromSpain ( Europe) just waking up and read you have been the best way of starting this Sunday!
    Thank you for sharing your great attitude!!!!!
    Happy Birthday!

  81. Happy 80th Birthday Wanda! I hope it was a wonderful day and this next year is the best one yet!

    I have a big birthday coming up in a couple weeks... I'll be 60 soon!


  82. Happy Birthday and Congratulations !
    Long may you sew, lol !

  83. That's a wonderfully positive attitude and what the world needs more of. Have an amazing birthday. Yes, pamper yourself with all the treats available. Hugs Joann

  84. Happy, happy birthday! [My card should arrive tomorrow!]

  85. Just catching up on posts and want to wish you a belated but sincere "Happy" Birthday" from Liverpool, England. Your zest for life is amazing and your creations are wonderful. Thanks for all the inspiration you share and from the home of the Beatles sending this "With love from me to you".

  86. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a spectacular day (week)!

  87. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead -- Happy birthday! Those flowers are gorgeous.

  88. Happy, Happy Birthday!
    I had a hard time with 70 but reading your positive outlook on the event makes me happy too! Thank you.
    Enjoy your Birthday week, month, oh heck, Enjoy you Birthday Year!

  89. Happy, Happy Birthday!
    I had a hard time with 70 but reading your positive outlook on the event makes me happy too! Thank you.
    Enjoy your Birthday week, month, oh heck, Enjoy you Birthday Year!

  90. I am late Wanda but sending you belated birthday wishes - congratulations on reaching 80 years, sounds like a real exciting day for you!

  91. Happy Birthday! Age is something to be appreciated not fear. I love your attitude and joy!


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