
Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving..........


I stole this photo off my 2018 post because I will only see this year's turkey after it is sliced.  My turkey dinner will be dropped off by my granddaughter in the middle of the afternoon.  I chose to stay home and be safe.

I have uncovered one table in my basement (yay!) so I have a workspace again.  I may even try to get another one cleaned off today.  I have to cut some batting and hopefully will get to the basting stage on the blue zig zag baby quilt.


  1. HAPPY THANKSGIVING day to you Wanda - I'll pretend I'm sat with you enjoying that delicious looking turkey and I'm sure lots of veggies haha. Best wishes to you all :)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Wanda! We are one with the Cubs in echoing...Next Year!
    Sue Wauer

  3. Good for you staying safe, Wanda--we are too...
    --Happy Thanksgiving...;)))

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! That is so nice you will get to enjoy turkey and be productive too. Have a wonderful day!

  5. Thanksgiving blessing to you and your family, Wanda. Stay safe so we can keep enjoying your quilts!

  6. A very Happy Thanksgiving to you Wanda, and I'm so happy that you will be getting a turkey dinner, and still be safe. Enjoy your day playing with the things you love. lol

  7. We will be home just the two of us, no family gathering. My daughter baked pies and will be delivering pieces to all of us! Best to stay safe. Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving - we are home too and by ourselves - turkey breast for us and the sides will be small - it's ok - we can handle it!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving!!! We'll have a big ol' bird. Plenty of my favorite part of the meal. Leftovers!!! We're staying home too!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving, Wanda. So grateful for you.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving Wanda. Good for you for staying safe. Enjoy your turkey. I am grateful for your inspiration.

  12. We're not going anywhere or having anyone over either. Of course even when we do, it's a very small gathering since the in-laws are gone for a few years. Good times, but I suspect everyone is glad to do their own thing with their own families now. Have a good Thanksgiving!

  13. Happy Thanksgiving ! After the dressing, a great afternoon for quilting !

  14. Thank you for being careful, Wanda - so many are not and I worry for them and their families. Good luck with that cleaning off the table business - seems like it never ends, doesn't it (grin).

  15. I am very thankful that so many of my online quilting friends are sane, rational people who have chosen to stay safe and stay home. Enjoy your delivered turkey dinner. Great to have some else do all the cooking so you can enjoy the result. Happy Thanksgiving.

  16. Happy to read you continued with the social distancing to safe Wanda and I hope you enjoyed your slices of Turkey! We have seen here on our TV hundreds, if not thousands of folks in America going through airports, travelling in cars all over the country, unbelievable!

  17. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
    Congratulations to you for being safe. My family is staying safe this season, too. Happy sorting and table clearing.

  18. I enjoyed seeing your Charley Harper stash... His unique style is wonderful. Oh yes, pumpkin muffins look delicious too. I looked up a recipe for gluten, sugar, dairy free pumpkin muffins. I found the recipe I know they won't taste as good as yours. But I'm use to the non-tasting bakery goods recipes on my diet, but I still dream about pecan pie and cream puffs.

    I'm sure you had a relaxing lovely day today. And thankful for our families that treat us with dinner deliveries for this day.


  19. Happy Thanksgiving, Wanda. That was sweet of your granddaughter to bring you your Thanksgiving meal.


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