
Friday, November 20, 2020

12th block sewn..........

 Number 12 is sewn and unless I decide I want to replace any of the first 11, I am done making the Bear Paw blocks.

One paw close up.  

I don't know if this is the final layout.  I will analyze this for a couple days.

The bottom of the photo isn't as well lit so the blocks down there aren't as dark as they look here.

I went to W*lm*rt 2 days ago but they didn't have any frozen blueberries so I stopped again yesterday afternoon and I found this beautiful cactus.

I'm not sure what to call this color.  It is almost 2 tone pink and beige.  All of the rest of the cacti were red and I have enough of them.

It is almost the color of a tea rose.  I'm sure most of the buds will drop off because the cacti don't like to be moved once they are blooming.  If a third of the buds bloom I will be happy.

I lost 3 of my other plants over the summer so this helps fill in the gap.


  1. Oh lovely new cactus--I haven't seen that color before...just so pretty.
    Your Bear Paws blocks are looking beautiful...hugs, Julierose

  2. My beautiful cactus came from that W place, too, in 2018. It was full of blooms when I bought it and I stuffed it into a small pot. The next spring I repotted it in a much bigger pot and discovered it was three separate plants. It has lasted longer than any potted plant from a traditional plant store.

  3. when you get new Xmas Cactus do you re-pot them right away or do you wait awhile before you do that? My husband picked up 4 small pots of them for me when he went to Lowe's yesterday and I'm trying to figure out if it is best to wait until they are done blossoming (all have buds on some are open)

  4. Was it serendipity that the flower in the squares is nearly matching, or thinking ahead and fussy cutting? Either way, it's a nice touch. Gorgeous cactus, I know I've seen that color before. I may have had one in the past? Sadly my touch with house plants seems to have not moved to this house.

  5. The blocks look terrific together. Love that new bloom color- oh so delicate. I lost my peach one and would love to replace it.

  6. Gorgeous blocks. Gonna look spiffy when all done.

  7. What a beautiful color cactus! Hope the buds hold on.

  8. Another glorious design Wanda ~ looking forward to see if you will change your blocks around or not.

    Great cactus find at Wal Mart, color is so lovely and it looks so healthy !


  9. A pretty flower indeed - reminds me of honeysuckle!
    Am loving the bear paws.

  10. The first block in the second row from the top, with the bright green paw pads, seems a bit out of place to me. It doesn’t really fir with the rest of the blocks IMHO. Otherwise I love it.


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