
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Third time's a charm...................

 I tried one more layout, turning the zig zag vertical instead of horizontal like I showed yesterday.  I liked this one the best so.....

I sewed it.  It is 36" x 48" as I predicted.  I know the backing will be another black and white print.  The only decision left is whether the binding needs to be blue to cap off the end of the zig zag or should it be another black and white print.  I will audition a few fabrics.

I did something "normal" yesterday.  Well, maybe it wasn't too normal.  I went to the gas station for the first time in 5 months and filled my tank.  I wonder if I will need to fill it again before the end of the year.


  1. I love the layout! It looks great. It has been a strange year, hasn't it? I hope you get to fill your tank again this year! :)

  2. I knew I like the zig zag layout. I think I need my tank filled and I don't mean gasoline. Weird year.

  3. Good decision on the baby quilt. How about a red binding? In order to use up our grocery fuel points, I fill up once a month whether I need to or not. Last month I used $1/gal discount on about a half tank. This month I'll be driving to Nashville twice so I'll need to fill up twice.

  4. Love this layout! I would bind it with blue. It is a very pleasant busy at the moment but a B&W binding could push it from busy to chaotic.


  5. LOL - how funny - in a way - to have to go to the gas station for the first time in five months. I know you live in town so it does make a difference. We use to be stopping every week or so and now about once a month.

  6. Looks great! I vote for blue binding, especially if you have a blue print with a little black in it. We certainly aren't putting the mileage on our cars this summer.

  7. Love that layout! It has been a strange few months. If filling up your car makes you feel 'normal' then go for it!

  8. Oh yes, love the vertical orientation a lot...nice fabrics in this..
    those deep blues are lovely...hugs from afar julierose

  9. So funny about finally filling your gas tank! I live in Oregon, where we can't pump our own gas. So getting our tank filled requires a certain level of human contact. So I make a point of filling my tank when I'm over the border in Washington each Saturday where I CAN fill my own tank.

    Before the pandemic, I had to fill my gas tank every week. Now I buy gas every other week and only have to buy about a half tank. Most of my mileage is made up from dog training outings. It's amazing how little time I spend in the car now.

  10. Looks good, Wanda! As far I binding is concerned, have you considered a white on black print? It seems like that might finish it off nicely. Happy quilting!

  11. Vertical zig-zag shows off the fabrics way more than the pin wheel layout. I can vision a blue border framing this piece perfectly.


  12. I really love this one! I'm not a big fan of blue and don't use it much and have quite a bit in my stash. I hope you don't mind if I steal your idea, blue with black and white. I vote for blue binding too. You are amazing!

  13. Funny how a "normal" errand now seems like an adventure. Love the vertical layout!

  14. It is SO pretty! It's hard to go wrong with a zip zag!

  15. I like this layout and the time between visits to the gas station tells the story! Here in Auckland we have a return of Covid and are now in Level 3, possibly go to Level 4 tomorrow depending on how many cases.

  16. Good job on the zigzag it a lot!
    I have two cars I don't drive...hope I remember how the gas pumps work when it comes to time to fill up again.

  17. I really like this zig zag layout. I also just love the fabric used here. Nice job!


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