
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Solids with prints...............

 I haven't forgotten about my solids with prints quilts.  I finished 3 of them and have 3 others in progress, this being one of them.  I spent a lot of time in the basement studio yesterday so I cut the print pieces for these 4 blocks.  I will cut a few pieces for the other two this week too.

It was a beautiful day yesterday with a nice north breeze occasionally.  I haven't baked for a long time so I mixed Kringla dough which has to be chilled and then chocolate chip cookie dough which I baked.  I'll bake the Kringlas this morning.

I forgot to mention we got some rain on Monday.  Over the weekend it all missed us and the prediction for Monday was widely scattered small showers that would miss most of us.  Well lucky us, we were in the path of the little band of showers and got almost a half inch of rain.  That was right after I had watered the tomato plants of course.  We need a lot more but I'm happy for what we did get.

The Rose of Sharon bushes continue to bloom and are the prettiest this year, not as many bugs eating holes in them as in past years. 


  1. Kringlas sound good! It has been cooler here which is such a relief. I will need to water tonight since we have not gotten rain since Sunday. The bugs have eaten away some of my bok choy and they really did a number on my kale.

  2. Ooh loving those solids with prints...or is it prints with solids--;))
    anyway--I may have to steal that idea from you..and do my usual jumping off trick...I could never write patterns but i enjoy taking one and getting my own ideas from it...
    We are really cool here this morning 59 degrees--I had to get up early to go for was chilly out there...
    Take care and stay safe..hugs, Julierose

  3. These blocks are great! You have the best prints out there. One thing I did to prevent predictable spinning was to have some blocks with the narrow piece and the square at the edges of the window reversed. This little change added movement to the quilt.

  4. Love your solids with prints. You have the most amazing fabrics! You have to stop inspiring me. I already have too many projects on the go. The Rose of Sharon is lovely.

  5. Those blocks look like they go together fairly quickly, Wanda. Fun with the mix of prints and solids! Could you please pass the chocolate chips?

  6. I liked my blocks the last time I mixed prints and solids. Thanks for the reminder because there's still lots to use up.

  7. Hi Wanda ~
    Now I'll try and leave a comment (*._.*). Google does not make it easy, I've been trying for months to leave a comment from my iPad and doing all they have suggested to remedy the problem, but nothing worked. I suppose tomorrow I'll have to start over again.

    I've been enjoying watching your bow ties grow... And today to seeing your solids embedded in a print are such fun appealing blocks. And I can only imagine what your whole quilt top will look like. And look forward to see them all together.

    Rose of Sharon has to be a cousin to Holly Hocks don't you think ? Love both plants.


  8. Such a pretty coloured Rose of Sharon, I only have the deep lilac ones but they bloom beautifully.

  9. JJM and everyone -- I looked up Rose of Sharon and Hollyhock -- both are in the malvaceae family, or mallow. (Rose of Sharon is also called hibiscus.)
    ....Oh, and nice quilt blocks, Wanda!


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