
Saturday, August 15, 2020

Searching for fabrics...........

 I started looking through the blue fabrics for setting triangle choices and saw a streaky stripe and thought that might work.  I ended up finding 4 of them.  Then I went to the pile of mottles and found the gray one on the right.

Close up of the 2 on the right.

Close up of the three on the left.

Then I thought why not take out the center seam on the 8 leftover blocks and use them to fill in the sides.  Then I just have to figure out what to do to fill in the top and bottom.


  1. Those mottled fabrics are gorgeous;;;yummy--and so perfect sith the "fish" theme--like waters flowing! This is coming together so beautifully, Wanda;)))
    Hugs on a nice, cool Saturday Julierose

  2. Oh fun fabrics. I love the fabric on the left top....brighter than I would normally select. It looks like light shining on water. I do like the way the mottled gray one lets the fish be the stars.

  3. Hello, I confess I read your blog almost daily but I am not much of a commentor.I also confess I'm not a quilter - I just like beautiful quilts and watching the process.But this quilt forced me to comment -- this quilt is the most beautiful I've ever seen. Absolutely amazing how the colors work and that I see a different pattern every time I look. Just had to say so!

  4. Hmmm, I think I'd go with the top right. Or top left. I look forward to seeing what you pick and why.

    I think I asked in a comment a (long!) while back, may have been a no-reply comment (hope it's fixed!) - will you be offering your color class again? I hope so, I'll sign up for it this time around!

  5. I’ve gotten quite addicted to seeing your brightly colored work posted on your blog…..been away from computer due to more husband health drama…..just wanted you to know your pieces were so cheerful to see today!

  6. Good thought to use those extra blocks on the sides. Nice mottled batiks.

  7. Smart girl to use the half blocks! Either the green or the darker blue would be great, in my thoughts. But they don't really count much, do they? :)

  8. Would use a lighter “water” on top and a darker one on the bottom of the sea🙃

  9. Ha! Yes, use those last blocks! Wonderful thought!

  10. Your fabrics are gorgeous as usual! It's clever of you to think of using the extra blocks on the sides - it will be interesting to see what you do about the top and bottom spaces - ;))

  11. Use the extra half blocks, then add a boarder or two!!!

  12. Well here it is 11:30 p.m. Saturday night and just getting around to sending you a comment.
    I love your Bow Ties featured on Friday and and Fishes today. I love the multi colored streaky stripe piece. For me it compliments all your wonderful colors.


  13. When you began with these blocks a while back on your design wall I remember you asked whether the traditional Hunter Star setting or the swimming fish setting we liked the best. I remember I went with the traditional but no I see why you went with the fish setting. It's quite mesmerising and such a lovely selection of batiks.


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