
Monday, July 20, 2020

Planning and cutting.......

I laid out 2 more blocks to sew but then decide to cut more fabrics for future blocks instead of sewing them.

This is the new batch I cut.  I usually match up pairs before I cut but this time I just pulled fabrics and pressed and cut them.

I paired pieces for 6 blocks and the 2 yellows on the bottom are left over so I will look for 2 more to pair with them.  As I look at this photo I think I will exchange the lightest print on each in the second row with each other.  So now I have 8 blocks ready to sew.

We had several hours of light rain early yesterday and my rain gauge had 1/2" in it.  When the sun came out it was back to hot and steamy.  I went out to check on my gardens and the Annabelle Hydrangeas have all turned lime green now.  They have flopped over with the rain yesterday.

Some of the Hosta blooms are kind of wimpy but this one has larger groups of pale lavender flowers.  To the left of it is the Veronica (Speedwell).


  1. The pairs are beautiful fabrics. Now you have to find centers!
    Hot and steamy here also. I don't even take a walk every day like I want.

  2. The fabrics are beautiful and the plants are too! Hot here, but after the storm we had late yesterday afternoon at least the temperature dropped to 80. I don't know how much rain we got, but it poured for about 10 minutes.

  3. Your fabric is fantastic. Those blocks are going to be stunning. It rained here too, but I have no idea how much. We also had thunder and lightning and afterwards it was a bit cooler.

  4. Love all of the color in those blocks Wanda!
    My hydrangeas and hostas are doing very this year, but my speedwell not so much. Japanese beetles got them.

  5. Lovely pairs! I've sometimes have quilters tell me that they find it difficult to think of using KF fabrics because of the colour mix an d can 't decide which colour family it should b e in. I especially love the KF collective fabrics when they're cut into smaller pieces, especially strips. Wish I could grow hostas but the snails just demolish them.


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