
Thursday, July 2, 2020

More churn dash..........

I cut and sewed three more churn dash blocks yesterday.  They are only 9" blocks so I will need a lot of them.
As I put each group on the design wall it helps me make decisions like what colors do I want more of and should the centers be light or dark.  I have been using 10" squares so far but I'm about ready to cut into yardage now.
When I went out to get the mail I noticed how much I like the combination of plants in this porch pot.  There is just enough purple on the green leaves on 2 of the plants to make it interesting with the purple in the Blackie sweet potato plant.
The Purple Coneflowers are just starting to form petals.  I think I need to go back out and take a closeup of a bud.

I will be mentioning my pop-up shop every day until it opens so newcomers and occasional readers will know about it.
The pop up shop will be July 7 - 12.  It will open for email subscribers at noon ET on July 7 and at noon ET on July 8 for the public.  It will close at midnight ET on July 12.  There is a form on my right sidebar to subscribe to the email list or use this link.  If you signed up previously you don't need to sign up again.


  1. You sure have a way with Kaffe! I just can't bring myself to work with such bold prints.

  2. Those Kaffe churn dash blocks are incredible. I love Kaffe fabrics and I love the churn dash pattern. I need to hold myself back so I don't start anything new! Your porch pot really is interesting. Great colour!

  3. I just love watching these churn dash blocks! Kaffe is my very favorite and you really have a great way of using those fabrics.

    I also love your plant photos, I have to admit that I have used your photos as examples of ways to arrange things in the garden.

    Thank you for sharing your talents!

  4. I love the crazy fabric combinations you have in those blocks! It makes it so interesting to look at.

    My coneflowers started blooming about a week ago. Mine are mostly pink even though I had bought plants several years ago that had both pink and white flowers. I guess I have plenty of white in my flower beds with all those Shasta daisies! You porch pot is beautiful!

  5. I love the churn dash block. Your Kaffe blocks are wonderful to see.

  6. In the last week I've made 60 9.5" churn dashes. They certainly don't look like yours! (They're not supposed to. Not a Kaffe in any of them.)

  7. Your Churn Dash blocks are beautiful.

  8. The churn dashes are just so full of fun and color. Makes you forget it is a traditional pattern, but a new thing. Love all of them.

  9. Nice progress on that Churn Dash collection!


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