
Monday, July 13, 2020

Day 10...time to bake............

Day 10....Amish Friendship Bread....the day you feed the starter the second time, divide it, and bake 2 loaves.  The temperature was a little lower yesterday and humidity was down some but I should have had the A/C running anyway.  I was wiped out by the end of the day.  While I was in the kitchen I prepared some other food so I won't have to cook for 2 or 3 days.

I petted fabric, didn't sew anything.  I started reading another book instead.  Today the A/C goes on and I will have energy.

Just a reminder and link for the occasional readers of my blog: my pop-up shop is open for a couple more days, click here.  Several people have mentioned to me that they just read my blog once a week so I don't want them to miss out.


  1. The loaves look delicious! We’re in the midst of a long string of days in the 90s—the AC is on!

  2. I like that expression "I petted fabric" - I often do that haha - any bread left to share? :)

  3. I petted fabric yesterday, too, thinking about my next project after JitP. Anything to avoid putting all those seems together ...

  4. Yummy bread;)) I baked oatmeal choc chip bars yesterday and made us some soup...very humid here this morning so inside we stay--
    good old AC ;)))
    Stay safe Julierose

  5. That looks really yummy. Enjoy your a/c today.

  6. The a/c has to stay on here - from late spring until nearly Halloween (sometimes we get a break earlier in October but only for a day or so). Enjoy that yummy bread!

  7. Yum! That looks good. Is there any left?

  8. I know your loaves of bread tastes as delicious as they look ! I'm so jealous you can have gluten and sugar. Even after years on this strict diet, I can still well imagine the flavors of all my favorite deserts. Which was all and any desert out there.


    p.s. Google won't allow my iPad to send you a comment again...

  9. As tasty looking as your colorful quilts are!!


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