
Friday, July 17, 2020

2 center square changes..........

This center square is much better.  I knew it needed to have some gold in it.  I have used this print as the center of another block but it is a different area of the print.  The center square I had in it yesterday is the one in the block below.

This center square will do for this one. It could have been a lighter color and looked better but I will leave this one.

This Coneflower is too tall for the area it is in and every year I plan on digging it up and moving it but it is still there.  The humidity level wasn't too oppressing yesterday so it was a good day to get a few little things done outside.  Then I decided late in the afternoon that I should mow the grass because this weekend is supposed to be tropical humidity and mid 90s with heat index over 100.  I got it done in two sessions so I wouldn't get overheated.


  1. Nice choices for the centers. We had tons of rain yesterday and then we are supposed to heat up to 91 on Sunday. I better do a check over on all the garden plants today. High heat and humidity are not my kind of combo.

  2. Oh now I love that golden center square --just perfect pairing...also the multi-colored circles one looks great.
    We are damp and chilly here today--yesterday's weather was Autumnal-like --but beautiful...
    Hugs from afar

  3. I like both changes you made.
    We also will be hot and humid in Michigan all weekend. Going up North where perhaps it will be cooler and there is a lake!

  4. we will need to get our grass cut by the weekend to and think we will need to be working in the morning and evenings as it is so hot and humidity this week - might wait until next week!

  5. Unless our grass is cut and done by 8am, it is most often done In two sessions. I like the new center in that first block (the oriental trees is one of my favorites of his more recent designs).

  6. I like the gold in there. Stay cool with those temperatures!

  7. I like the changes you've made to your centres and just noticed how good Glam;ping looks cut in to small pieces, very effective.


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