
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Still playing.............

I decided to try some more of the daisy blocks since I had several left over.  This is the 3 darkest ones.

Here are 2 of the light ones an a medium one.

I think maybe these 3 look the best together.  I have some more light ones with yellow in them but I don't think they will work.  I sewed the last 12 rectangles blocks so now I have 40 different blocks.  I will make a second one of each combination next.

The remnants of the tropical storm came through around 2 yesterday afternoon but most of it was west of us and then it continued north.  I had a half inch of rain in the gauge.  While I was looking out I saw that I have a bird in the nest in the crook of the downspout by my dining room window.  I have a wide overhang so it was well protected from the rain.  I'm pretty sure this is an old nest.
I took this photo in the front garden yesterday morning.  The Red Penstemon is in full bloom.  There are orange Tiger Lilies growing to the left over by the porch.  They have about a month before they will bloom.


  1. The daisy blocks look so good with the rectangle blocks. It really kicks the rectangles up a notch. Great idea!

  2. I like the daisy blocks mixed in with the rectangle blocks. Very interesting interplay with them.

  3. This quilt just keeps getting more dynamic day by day. Do you know what kind of bird is on the nest?

  4. I really like the combination of the two patterns in the quilt - the third one I love!

  5. I like the daisy blocks you chose. And what's even better, the far right blocks 2nd one down - there's almost a repeat of the daisy block in the little rectangle patch in nearly matching colors as the adjacent daisy block. Did you plan this, or was it by chance?

  6. I really like the ones in the third picture, but I think the light ones are pretty too. I think they could be interesting and a subtle addition. I hope we get the rain that is forecasted for this afternoon and evening. Everything could use a drink.

  7. I love that daisy block pattern but a quick google doesn't turn up any instructions. I'm sure I could draft it out, but if you have any references I would be grateful!

  8. I really like those daisy blocks. It totally works.

  9. Hi Wanda, this is going to be a very striking quilt! Gave me a few ideas for some of my orphans and scraps. Bless you!

  10. So this is what you had in mind when we first saw you sewing strips together! A new slant on the two by four, you couldn't have picked a better feature block from your orphan box. Lovely!


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