
Sunday, June 7, 2020

Sewing, mowing, baking........

I have seen these blocks on other blogs turned both directions.  Here the blocks are horizontal (longest edge horizontal).

In this photo the blocks are vertical (longest edge vertical).  I'm not sure if one way is more pleasing or soothing than the other.  In this orientation any one way prints would look better.

The humidity dropped dramatically yesterday but it was still plenty warm for mowing the grass.  I got it done though.

My Red Penstemon is just starting to bloom.  There is a Milkweed plant behind it and several others in this garden.  I saw a Monarch butterfly checking them all out too.
The first Evening Primrose Cup of Gold started blooming.   I have a few of these plants in every one of my gardens.

A friend gave me some rhubarb so I tried out a cake recipe that is on All Recipes website.  I ate 2 pieces of it last night so I guess it passed the taste test.  I cut the recipe in half so I wouldn't have too much of it.  I think I will freeze a couple pieces for breakfast next weekend.


  1. I like the horizontal orientation myself, but either is nice with all those pretty fabrics you have;)))
    Chilly morning here, winds from the NW and it's quite breezy...
    sunny and pretty though;)))
    Hugs from afar Julierose

  2. It is always a hard decision to make which way to orient those blocks. However, with those fabrics, there is no loser.

  3. my brother the gardener is trying to see if he can get a rhubarb patch going - I had no luck with it here even though you can grow it here - if he has luck I will be sure to get some from him every year as I do like it.
    so hot here the grass needs cutting but I will wait until after the rain comes late tomorrow - maybe I can do it Wednesday it will be back int the 80's and not these high 90's we have been getting.

  4. I live for fresh rhubarb every spring. We've enjoyed a buttermilk rhubarb lemon loaf and today I think it's time to make a Rhubarb Torte, after I get my planters planted.

  5. I think the longest edge vertical gives you a better appreciation of the fabrics, if you are using special fabrics that you really enjoy. Otherwise, I like both horizontal and vertical settings. We love rhubarb too. We had a nice crop growing when we lived in North Dakota.

  6. I too like both options for these blocks, for whatever reason I keep leaning toward the horizontal layout best.

    Going back through this past weeks posts and visiting your gardens has been a treat. And to end up with a photo of your rhubarb cake today was a delicious way to begin to start this week.


  7. Lovely blocks, bright colors! I love the vertical layout, as the fabrics may show better (cute blue fabrics with colored dots!)

  8. I like both orientations for the blocks. Your rhubarb cake looks delicious.

  9. I don't think I have an opinion on the orientation of the blocks... Hot it is! and humid here... almost all the time, although we are supposed to be back in the 70's by the weekend with a 'cold' front coming through. Yay! I planted 2 rhubarb this year, but only one is coming up... and it took weeks. I'll plant another next year!!! No cakes here, I'm going to make Frozen Yogurt... and I think I'll think about making a strawberry rhubarb next year! Need to perfect the frozen yogurt first!

  10. I made this quilt a couple of years ago and had the same decision to make as you do, which way looked the best, I went with the vertical, it seemed more relaxed, if you know what I mean.


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